25 - fred x george part 2

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Bill's POV:

I did not know what to say, or do. This creature's name was Kylo Ren I knew, but what was he? And what's the Force? Kylo Ren seemed friendly though, so I held his hand and we walked to....somewhere.

No one's POV, lol:

George promised that they would find Bill to Fred, and Fred felt a bit better. They fotgot that Ron was there. "Yo we gonna go find him right now. Lets fly on broomsticks!" said George.

"OOH CAN I Come to?" Asked Ron like a three year old.

"No. You go on a bunch of adventures with Hairy Pothead, and we never get to join. There should be a book called, "Harry Potter and The Search For Bill Weasley. Wait, it should be Fred and George and The Search For Bill Weasley," said George.

"Hell yeah!" Said Fred. Ron procedeed to cry like a  Crybaby.

(see wot i did there? melanie martinez referance :D)

Fred got out a bunch of healthy food for him and George for their new adventure. (In reality they actually got a bunch of junk food. Haha, exposed!) They also brought a noteboom with them. Apparantly it had fanfictions or something? It was called The Book Of Fanfictions. I have no idea what that is.

George said they should go in a car instead, even though Muggles use that. But then Fred said, "No! Lets go on a hot air balloon!" So they went on that.

George was taking them to a mysterious place that he wouldn't tell Fred what it was. Fred ate Hershey's and Cheeto's while reading The Book Of Fanfictions. George eventually parked the hot air balloon thing on the ground. "I'm too tired. I need to eat and then we can go back to the whole find Bill thing," said George.

He ate a lot of junk food, and went on Hot Air Balloon Thing again. Eventually after three days, they reached some big place. George commanded Fred to get out of Hot Air Balloon Thing. "McRedHead where are we?" Asked Fred.

"We are in a place. And we're sneaking in there. I need you to be quiet while we do this, because we can get into HUGE trouble. But its the only way we can find Bill," said George. George got out a knife, and rang the bell of a big house.

Some random long haired blonde guy answered, and said, "Hello there," in his best Obi-Wan voice.

"I demand you hand over the pimp stick!" Screamed George. "Never," replied the blonde guy. "If you don't....you will die," said George dramatically.

The blonde guy took out a pimp stick. "Fight me bro," he said. Then George whispered to Fred, "Sneak in the house while we fight! Go steal as many pimp sticks you can!" Then Fred ran into the house quickly, before Blonde Dude can notice him. (The door was left ajar thats how Fred was able to get in.)

Fred sneaked around the house, making sure not to be noticed. He saw a room with a sign that said, "KEEP OUT!" so Fred made sure to not keep out. He opened up the door and holy cheese balls. There was so many pimp sticks. Fred began grabbing all better pimp sticks, when he turned around and saw Blonde Dude.

Only it was a younger Blonde Dude. He didn't have long hair, but still had nicer hair that made you want to sniff it. "What the fudge," said the younger, shorter haired version of Blonde Dude.

"You're stealing our pimp sticks?! Meesa father will hear about this!!!" yelled the blonde kid.

"Wait! What are you doing here?" Asked Fred.

"Oh uh....protecting the room," said the blonde kid, who Fred will call White Blonde Boy. White Blonde Boy wasn't allowed to go in the room, only his father was allowed to. No one knew why but that day White Blonde Boy decided to rebel and see the room.

But White Blonde Boy started to run away, but Fred threw a pimp stick at White Blonde Boy's head and he fainted. Fred ran out of the room while carrying the pimp sticks, and didn't bother to even make sure no one was near. He stopped when he saw
Blonde Dude and George fighting. George was fighting with a knife, and Blonde Dude with a pimp stick.

Fred threw one of the pimp sticks at Blonde Dude and Blonde Dude fainted. Blonde Dude's pimp stick fell to the ground dramatically and George gasped. "Y-you defeated Lucius Malfoy. He is the master at pimp stick fighting, but you beat him!"

Fred nodded. Dang he was so special now. Possibly more special than Harry Potter! Fred took Lucius's pimp stick. Out of all the pimp sticks Fred had just seen, this was the best one "With power comes great responsibility," said Fred. He gave it to George. "Wait, but I didn't defeat him," said George.

"You were able to fight him for 20 minutes without dying or getting badly injured so you deserve it," said Fred. They then walked out of the house and went back to the hot air balloon.

"Hey, why do we need pimp sticks to find Bill?" Asked Fred once they were in.

"That's because we will need those for combat. We may enter a galaxy far, far way," said George. "Now let's leave before anyone notices Lucius passed out." They traveled farther and farther away.


Bill's POV:

"Okay, I don't like admitting this but my real name was Ben," said Kylo Ren. "But I changed my name when joining the First Order. You must change yours too. I'll go ask Snoke what you can be named."

Kylo Ren ran away. He then came back and said, "Snoke will have you be....general." Kylo kinda sounded jealous to me. "And you will be named Hux. I guess. Bye General Hux, I'm off to slaughter some people."

Slaughter people? What?! And who is Snoke? I still don't understand where I am at. For some reason though....I feel way more happy than I've ever been. Yes. Don't call me that cringe worthy name Bill Weasley, call me General Hux.

No one's POV :)

Fred had a strange feeling. Like something bad was gonna happen. "Yo George, did White D- I mean Lucius die?"

"Duh no. He just fainted," said George.

"So he can come back, and possibly KILL us!" Said Fred.

"Dude, don't worry. He won't hurt us. After all we'll be gone and he will be battling other people with pimp sticks," said George.

"Yeah, but I saw some other blonde kid. And I did the same thing to him that I did to Lucius," said Fred.

"Oh shnitzle that was Draco Malfoy," said George. "Hopefully they lost their memory when they got hit with the pimp sticks, so they won't remember you hitting them."

Fred knew something bad was gonna happen. He, at the time didn't realize this but, he had the Force. And whenever people who were Force sensitive felt like something bad was gonna happen, something bad did happen.

Wow, this turned into The Adventures Of Fred and George1!!1 This was fun to write though XD

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