15 - Snape x Harry Part 6

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Everyone flew on their broomsticks, and suddenly, Nicky crashed into a plane and died. Joking. He didn't die. But he did crash into the plane. "SAVE ME LUSCIOUS LOCKES!" He screamed.

Luscius did a dab, while flying and his butt fell off the broomstick. So here was Nicky, screaming for help, and Luscius falling to thr ground. But then....a MIRACLE happened. Hagrid and Dumbledore had finished their little hunt, and was soaring through the sky on a magical, princess fairy, unicorn and saved Luscius and Nicky.

"YOU KNOW WE STAY LITTY!" Screamed Hagrid, and dabbed. Only he didn't fall off like Luscious Lockes did. "Wow, that was cool," said Isabel. They continued to fly, as far away from Violet as possible.


Violet's POV:

Why did they leave me.

I'm sad.

I'm gonna cry.

Joking no, I'm not sad.

I'm not gonna cry.

I went back to where the sorting hat thing, died and stared at it. "Wow everyone forgot you already," I said to its lifeless hat body. I felt like the hat was staring at me, even though it was dead. I then walked away from it, because holy cheese balls it was creepy. I then wandered around Hogwarts and found a random student.

I stared at it - I mean him.

He just gave me a frightened look.

Then I killed i-him.


The Sorting Hat's POV:

How do I have point of view to share, if I'm dead? The fluff.

Luscious Lockes POV:

This was the most fun I've ever had! Even more fun than watching paint dry. Since I was so gleeful, I decided to hit Draco with my pimp stick. Then I hit Dumbledore but he started calling me mean names. So I said, "Shut your fat ugly mouth, old bearded man. What are you, Santa?"

Harry and Snape was still upset. Harry was, was because the love of his life had dated his mother. And Snape, was because he thought Harry hated him. Me and Nicky watched the crazy drama unfold, by eating popcorn. "Look, Harry is about to say he hates Snape!" Whispered Nicky.

"I hate you!" Screamed Harry. How did Nicky know what Harry would say?

"I hate you too, ugly hairy dude!" Snake screamed back.

"Ohhh!" Me and Nicky oohed. We sipped on our tea. "If you're against me....you're my enemy," Harry said in his best Anakin Skywalker voice.

Snape clapped and said, "OOH! You like Star Wars? So do I!" Then they began to bond over Star Wars. Suddenly, Harry said, "I really hate you," and jumped off the magical, princess fairy, unicorn.

He was commiting suicide.

Part 7 coming in theatres near you!!!!

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