34 - Snape x Lily

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Harry was watching Star Wars, and fanboying once again. So Ron had to torture Harry to get him to stop. "Bro you don't even care about anyone in your life!" Yelled Ron, slicing Harry's beautiful hair off.

"aYE MY HAIR!" Screamed Harry.

"I'm sorry this is the consequence for always watching Star Wars all day. Your like obsessed with Star- "

"NO STAR WARS IS A WAY OF LIFE, DONT MAKE ME DO SPELLS ON YOU RONALD MCDONALD!" Interupted Harry. Ron said, "Shiz" and then Harry got out his wand and said, "Avada Kedvra."

Only Harry's a retard and he pointed the wand at himself and was gonna die. "NOOO!" Screamed Ron. Harry survived because he did survive Voldemort's attack on him.

That was a one time thing. Harry isn't immune to pain fattie.

Dude, he's obviously not immune to pain. This time he got a huge scar on top of his newly shiny bald head. BUTTT Harry grows his hair fast as fudge boy, so within a week he had that emo haircut. "Shniztle I wanted him bald!" Yelled Ron, depressed.

Ron went through Harry's stuff and found something special. It was some weird thing, and Ron opened it and realized it was a lightsaber. "Yooo you're telling me Hairy Pothead has a real lightsaber?" Ron asked himself. Harry walked in on Ron and did a high pitched scream. "NO TOUCH!" Yelled Harry.

He went inside the room and snatched it from Ron's chicken stained hands. "Its chicken licking good," said Harry. All of a sudden, Snape bursted into the room.

"LilYYY?!" Cried Snape. Snape saw Harry and kissed him. "What the actual fudge," Said Harry. Snape yelled in Harry's face his new name was Lily and that Snape and Harry was to be the power couple of Hogwarts.


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