74 - Cailyn x A Poptart

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Isabel and Cailyn were binge watching Star Wars and Harry Potter. It was lit. They had popcorn, cotton candy, Kit Kats, Cheetos (both cheese and hot flavor), Takis, and raviolis. Isabel had brought all of the stuff. "That's a lot of calories like dang," said Cailyn. She then asked Isabel how she was not fat and Isabel cried. But Isabel still was gonna be healthy though. You know how?

Because she bought a diet Coke instead of a regular one.

Also, we'll just say Nicky was gonna join them too along with a friend but only for watching Star Wars. So they were gonna start with A New Hope, Philospher's Stone, then Empire Strikes Back, and then Chamber Of Secrets. I think that's a solid eight hours right there. Anyway, Cailyn suddenly said, "I feel constipated, pause the movie for me 'cause I gotta go in the bathroom."

They paused the movie and Cailyn rushed to the bathroom. She was right about to poop when something came flying and hit her. "Hey, it's my Hogwarts letter!" She exclaimed. But she was wrong. It was a random poptart. Yup, Cailyn just caught a rare random flying poptart. She was gonna eat it, but she felt herself falling in love with it.

"I love you strawberry flavored poptart," she said, sounding a little uh, weird. Obviously the poptart said nothing back. Isabel was yelling for her to hurry up before she ate all the Kit Kats, but Cailyn was in love. She got out of the bathroom without wiping herself and came into the room.

"Meet my new boyfriend guys." She said, and she showed them the poptart.

"Wtf," said Nicky. (This fanfic is wtf)

"Why." Said his friend, not really in a questiony way.

"Can I eat that?" Asked Isabel.

"No!" Said Cailyn. "You can't! Me and my poptart will go to Hogwarts together, meet Snape, do some magic, and take over the world!"

"Seems legit," said Nicky. He played the movie again and everyone tried to ignore Cailyn talking to her poptart.

"I love my poptart." She kept saying.


It was already like 1:00 AM when they got into The Chamber Of Secrets. Cailyn went to the kitche to get a drink and left her poptart on the table. She got a different poptart, which was a chocolate flavored one, and started to eat it. "Omg yay I've been craving poptarts." She said. She turned around and her poptart boyfriend came to life.


"Wait, what the crossiant, you can talk?" She said. "And also, how am I cheating?" The poptart wouldn't talk to her though and started crying sprinkles. Cailyn was now heartbroken too.

But the poptart forgave her quickly. "That's okay," it said. "Just eat my best friend so he'll die and never be seen again." Cailyn nodded and ate the rest of it. They then lived happily ever after! Until the Chamber of Secrets ended. Cailyn was already there to watch it, and as the end credits rolled, Isabel went to the kitchen still hungry.

"Aye look, there's a poptart. I guess no one is eating it so..." said Isabel and she ate the whole entire thing.

R.I.P poptart.

A/N: Idk wth this fanfic is but oh well. Im soRRY CAILYN I HAD TO MAKE THIS EVENTUALLY!

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