45 - Snape x Harry Part 12

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Snape was in jail, and was humming I Write Sins Not Tradegies. "I use to listen to that music," said a random guy from a different cell. "But I'm now here because I killed some kids, 8 people, chopped off someone's hand, chocked someone...wait no two people and killed a village of people. I think I did more stuff but I forgot what."

What the fudge this dude's insane I gotta steer away from him, and just think emo thoughts thought Snape.

"So, what did you do?" Asked the insane man.

"I uh, fell in love with Harry Potter," said Snape.

"You fell in love with that dude? Really? But...but...eh I'll ship it," said the man. "Anyways lets escape this place!" Said Mr.Insane Man.

"How?" Asked Snape.

"Your a freaking wizard, you could just hex people! And I...I just have special powers that I'll use just in case," said the man mysteriously.

"Okay, but-" Snape was interupted because the man whipped out a weird shiny thing and cutted open his cell then Snape's. "What is that?" Asked Snape. "You'll find out," Mr.Insane Man replied. They then ran away from the jail, the cops not giving any care in the world.

"We gotta go to Hogwarts, I need to see Harry!" Said Snape. "Okay bro," said the man. "By the way my name's Anakin so you can stop thinking my name is Mr.Insane Man narrator," said Anakin. Anakin picked up two long sticks and said thoughtfully, "Maybe just maybe, we can use these as broomsticks."

Anakin went on the stick and he went up the air. "Yo get on the broomstick!" He yelled at Snape. Snape went on and flew all around. "YAY LETS GO TO HOGWARTS FATTIES!" He screamed.

At Hogwarts

Dudley now had a new hobby. It was called: Dabbing on people.

"C'mon guys, do the dubbing," Dudley said.

"Whats 'dubbing'? You mean dabbing?" Asked Harry.

"No its DUBBING. Basically, its like dabbing only that you change the a to u because my name is Dudley and so then it'll have the first two letters of my name. Also, when you dub you dub on someone's head," Dudley explained.

Dudley procedeed to dub on Harry.
"Jake Pauler for life, haha so savage bro dub on em haters," said Dudley.

"Ugh stop! I'm tired of this pain! You always dab-" said Harry.

"no dub" corrected Dudley.

"Fine, you always dub on me and it hurts man!" Yelled Harry crying. "If Hermione was here, she would've helped me. Ron is always writing fan fics!"

"Top 10 saddest anime moments," said Ron out of nowhere. All of a sudden, Snape and Anakin came crashing from the window. "OMG SNAPE YOUR BACK!" Screamed Harry.

"Yes my love," said Snape and then he kissed Harry.

"Eek, I ship it!" screamed Anakin.

"Your making me cringe so hard, even harder then when Dudley dabs on Harry," said Isabel appearing out of nowhere.

"DUBBING!" Dudley corrected

"Soz Harry, I gotta see my daughter Viollett, where she at Isabel?" Asked Snape.

"Cailyn's behind me, said Isabel. "And I'mma call her Cailyn because I'm use to it but she is still Viollett to you I guess." "Hey dad," said Viollett.

"Yo wattup piiiiimpppss!" Screamed Snape, hugging Viollett. "Wait when did Dudley get here?" Asked Nicky who also appeared out of nowhere.

"I'm the Chosen One supposedly," said Dudley. "And Harry....well Harry's just a random wizard no one cares about." Nicky turned around and saw Anakin. "Oh my God," he said.

"Hey, remember when I saved y'all?" Asked Anakin. "Oh, thats why you looked so familar!" said Snape. Anakin nodded. Lucius entered the room along with Dumbledore and Hagrid.

"WANNA HANG OUT GUYS?" Asked Hagrid. "Hell yeah!" Screamed Lucius.
And then they all went to Six Flags.



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