35 - Palpatine Teaches History

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Nearly everyone was asleep. Not Anakin though. He was in a room with Ron, and walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. He was going to pour himself a cup of orange juice when he heard a crash. "Yoda must've had a stroke," He said and sighed. This was a normal everyday thing for Yoda. He left the kitchen, when suddenly something touched him. "HOLY F-" Said Anakin but was interrupted.

"Hey its WhiteBoy234," Said the man. "Where's the light dude? I need a dramatic entry." Anakin was frozen and not able to move for some reason. It will be explained why he couldn't move in later chapters. He heard WhiteBoy234 walk around, and fall down. "Fudge!" Screamed WhiteBoy234. He turned on the light switch and Anakin saw him. Bald. No nose. Ugly. But not fat though, haha. The creature then swears again, because the dramatic moment was ruined.

He then got a wand, yelled something that Anakin couldn't comprehend and disappeared. Anakin was finally able to move and talk. He was gonna run away but Harry was running down the stairs and asked, "Whats that noise?"

"Harry r-remember when you told me about Voldemort during lunch time?" Anakin stuttered.

"Yeah...." Said Harry slowly.

"I just saw him."

Palpatine screamed, and lightning bolted out of his hands and onto a pile of books in the living room. "I can't believe it!" He yelled. "Anakin, Harry go wake up the others. We're having a special meeting." Harry was shook as fudge about the Voldemort thing, so Anakin was the one who mainly got everyone up. Harry woke up General Hux though. (Hux was triggered and threw his pillow on Harry's face.)

Everyone went downstairs and Obi Wan asked who Voldemort was. "Voldemort. Now that's not a name I've heard in a long, long time-" Started Palpatine.

" - In a galaxy far far away," Said Ron. "Well since Voldemort is back we need Harry again."

"No!" Screeched Palpatine. "Don't freaking interrupt me." He told everyone to sit down on the couch. "Me and Voldemort actually go way back. We met when I had er, special plans," Said Palpatine.

"Dude explain those 'special plans,' " Said General Hux. Palpatine glared at him. Geez he's so angry thought Hux. He was about to yell some insults to Palpatine, when suddenly there was a weird sound like an explosion. "DUCK!" Screamed Palpatine.

"Theres a duck?" Asked Draco.

"No! I MEAN HIDE OR DUCK!" Palpatine screamed. Everyone hid underneath a table or couch as there was a huge explosion. Someone walked dramatically from the explosion, and Palpatine whispered, "Oh my gosh....its Voldemort...."

Harry screamed because he's a wimp.

"Hello," Said the person. But it wasn't Voldemort. No, it was someone far worse.

It was Gilderoy Lockhart. "HEY GUYS WANT A SIGNING OF MY NEW BOOK?!" He screamed. Hux face palmed. "No one wants your dumb books Fathart."

"AWWWW, WELL I'MMA JOIN Y'ALL ON THE ADVENTURE TO FIND VOLDEMORT AND-" But then Gilderoy was interrupted. Anakin walked up to him, and choked him with the Force.

"No one likes you, and your not joining us," Said Anakin. He then called Gilderoy a swear word. "No! I need him!" Yelled Harry, pulling out his wand. Anakin glared at Harry. "He. Needs. To. Die."

"Anakin, it's not the Jedi way, don't kill him!" Screamed Obi Wan. Everyone hated Gilderoy, but they didn't want him to die. Then Palpatine whispered, "Use your hate. If you think Star Wars is better than Harry Potter, you'd choke him."

Harry was going to cast a spell on Anakin, but Draco yelled, "No its not the wizard way!" Harry turned his head to Draco and smiled sadistically. He was going to kill Draco with his bare hands. Yoda was going to choke Harry before he killed Draco.

And this my friends, was how the Harry Potter VS Star Wars battle started.

3 months later....

Gilderoy Lockhart did die from being choked. Harry was brutally beated up, and every Harry Potter character hated Star Wars and every Star Wars character hated Harry Potter. But there was one person though, who did not like the rivalry. It was Hux. Hux was in a forest, with a tent. He was hiding from all the chaos. Eventually someone would find him he know.

Everyone forgotten about Voldemort's arrival. They didn't know about The Plan. Hux was going to eat meat, when he heard something. He curiously got up and looked around. He gasped. It was Harry Potter. "You will die!" He screamed. Harry seemed different. He seemed more....evil. Hux started to run away before Harry could whip out his wand.

But that's not what Harry got. He got out a knife from his pocket. Hux turned around and saw it. Oh my gosh. That blade's very sharp. How could be so evilHux thought. He ran away far from Harry eventually. "Everyone is insane!" Screamed Hux.

Hux wished he could go back to the days of being in the First Order, or back when he was in that random school, writing fan fictions secretly. He was alone now. Forever.

Hux sadly didn't have any weapons, so when Harry finally found him, Hux was stabbed. Harry stabbed him multiple times on his arms, legs and stomach. Hux did try to fight him off but it was no use. Eventually he blacked out.

wth is this. btw voldemort will be in the story soon

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