50 - The 50th Fanfiction

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• The 50th Fanfiction •

This is the 50th fanfiction already? Well geez. Every fifty fanfictions, this is what happens. Someone will die and never be in The Book Of Fanfictions ever again. They will be murdered by one of the peoplr who has been in The Book Of Fanfictions. If the murderer is caught, he/she will not be in a fanfiction until the next 50.  And then, someone else dies and someone else is a murderer.

This will go on forever. Fanfiction number 50,100,150,200,250,300,350 and beyond. I bet you all are peeing your pants right now. It seems like the first person to go is the Mexican mom.  Good thing she isn't one of the favorited characters. The person who has done the homicide is Voldemort. Guess WhiteBoy234 isn't back with I the spicy memes anymore.

~ The Author

The author is sadly being mistooken as a antagonist. Oh well, what they don't know is that the author is actually a very nice guy. Suddenly Lucius appeared out of nowhere, interupting the author's narrating.

Lucius: Wait I thought you were a girl?

Well...yeah. But maybe I'm trans.

Lucius: You look pretty girly for a guy then.

Wait - no I'm not a guy! I'm just telling the tale to people, while that one cool guy from- CHEESEBALLS I'VE SAID TOO MUCH.

Lucius: Wait, you don't come up with the stories?!

Sorry. Listen Lucius, stop breaking the fourth wall and tell no one about this. Or else...or else I dunno, your son will hear about this.


Lucius then returned to being a abusive father again. He suddenly realized that the son is actually Draco, and Draco is just a cringy white kid who can't harm anyone. Lucius's fear of his son hearing about it faded away. He could tell anyone, but he decided to be nice for a change.

Voldemort was gonna be going to jail and come out after the next 50 chapters. Why? Didn't only Anakin and Harry know about it? Well, remember the guy overhearing the conversation? That was...


No, not Peter Rabbit. No not Pete from Pete's Fresh Market. Peter Pettigrew. Dang, I never trusted that guy. So he then told everyone Voldemort was the murderer and now Voldy was going to jail. "No!" Voldemort had screeched. "I DIDN'T MURDER THE MOM. I WAS ACTUALLY HAPPY SHE NEARLY KILLED DRACCOOO!"

Too bad. Peter looked like he was going to cry for some reason. But someone else, Draco was laughing....

Harry was watching the drama unfold, writing down something. "Yo what have you been writing?" Asked Anakin.

"I've been writing down the clues as to who's the murderer. I don't believe Voldy's the one who did it," Harry said. "Then who?" Anakin asked.

"It's-" Harry started but then Peter began yelling stuff. "HEY GUYS I WAS THE ONE WHO MURDERED THE MEXICAN MOM!" Everyone gasped. Even Voldemort.

"B-But!" Screeched Draco. "No! You weren't supposed t- UGH." Then Draco started roasting the whole galaxy. Peter started crying. The police started walking towards him, and since Peter was right by Harry he whispered, "Hey four eyes, it wasn't me! Its the weakling of the gang." And then Peter was handcuffed and tooken to a police car.

Harry stared. Who was the weakling? "Your the weakling," Anakin answered. "What the heck man? How did you read my thoughts?" Asked Harry.

"Oh wait you were thinking about you being a weakling?" Asked Anakin.

"No I was wondering who was the weakling," Harry responded.

"Oh." Anakin then felt awkward. Harry and him were silent for about a good 30 seconds before Harry yelled, "I KNOW WHO!" Harry then proceeded to run away past Yoda, who was ready to have a stroke, past Obi Wan, who was saying tea and crumpets over and over again in his british accent. He eventually reached a galaxy far, far away. JOKING.

He reached General Hux's bedroom. "HUX!" Harry screeched. I bet right now your thinking that Hux of all people was the murderer. No, Hux did act like a anger issued edgy 12 year old, but he was pretty smart and suprisingly calm and but a very uh... manipulative. Hux stared at Harry.

"What is it?" He asked.

"You WERE THE-" Harry was panting.

"I was a what Harry?" Hux asked. (Yer a wizard Hux).

"WAIT. Why aren't you screaming and calling me mcfatty or Mc Four Eyes?" Asked Harry.

"Dude I don't even know why. But tell me before I act immature again," said Hux.

"Okay. So first off, you haven't been gettig involved with the drama," said Harry.

"What? When Voldemort was caught, I said I knew it was him and called him a mcfatty," Hux said.

"No but like with the latest news, and how you weren't with us when Peter got arrested," Harry explained.

"Peter? What Peter?" Hux asked confused.

"Ya know...Peter Pettigrew. Well anyways, I need you to help me and Anakin with something. I'll explain soon," said Harry and he took Hux's hand and took him to a galaxy far, far away. Hux wondered what Harry wanted...


Anakin Harry and Hux were soon together. "Okay mcfatties, what do y'all want?" Asked Hux.

"Okay now he's back to the whole entite mcblahblahblah thing," said Anakin.

"Don't make me mckill you," Hux warned.

"Okay just shut the heck up guys. I found out who was the murderer!" Harry yelled.

"Ooh who is it?" Anakin squealed.

"Okay so like it's totally Draco. I know because unlike you dumbies, I actually took note of his behavior. He killed the Mexican for some reason. And he is framing anyone he could easily use," Harry explained.

"Oh, cheeseballs! Dude we gotta go get that dumb McMurdererBlonde!" Hux yelled and he ran away. Anakin nodded. "Yeah I'mma just agree with this dude for once," he said, and he ran off with Hux. Harry ran after them.


"Ew stop," Anakin said, poking Hux. "We gotta do this like pros, not like redheads who scream out a bunch of random stuff." Hux glared at Anakin and pinched him. Anakin made a weird high pitched sound and yelled, "Don't make me kill you!" And Hux and Anakin began fighting. Harry joined in on the fight and honestly bro it was going DOWN.

Then guess what happened? Draco appeared and everyone became silent.  Hux yelled a bunch of random words and ran after Draco and screeched, "MCMURDERERBLONDE, YOU'RE UNDER ARREST!" And so then Hux took Draco to the police.

The police were pretty suprised that a scrawny blonde kid had killed a Mexican mom but still took him in for interogation. Ha but poor Draco because Hux was a cop.

"Hey, why did you kill the mom?" Asked Hux.

"I dunno," replied Draco.

"You don't know? YOU DON'T KNOW?" Hux proceeded to fling the table and the table crushed Draco. Hu gasped at what he had done. He was a murderer...

So yeh. I had this typed out forever but hadnt published it wHOOPS. I'll be adding in Stur Wers characters from the original trilogy and expanded universe soon. SooN so patience younglings...

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