52 - Luke Skywalker x Palpatine

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Anakin was walking around, being his usual edgy self when he thought of something. "Hey, how come I'm almost always in the stories but my son Luke never is? I wanna speak to the author!" But sadly Anakin couldn't find a way to speak to the author. Luckily he felt guility and decided to make a fanfiction with Luke mostly because he had recently read a Star Wars book.

So here it goes.


Luke felt scared, and mostly hungry. Haha. He was fighting Darth Vader and some old crinkly guy was watching this anime battle. "Face it Luke, you're a failure," said Darth Vader. Luke felt shooketh. Did his daddy just call him a failure?

And then, Luke heard a voice in his head. "Kill yourself Luke. Worthless you are, ya dumb douche," He heard Yoda. You know you should die when even ghost Yoda tells you to. So Luke decided to.

He suddenly stopped fighting Darth Vader and Vader said, "the heck." Luke procedeed to point the light saber at his throat. "Goodbye world, well more like galaxy," He said and then he killed himself.

Darth Vader stared. "Well...this sure is a huge anime plot twist," he said. Palpatine frowned. "What in the actual E m p i r e," he said. (They actually said this in a Star Wars book and I found it HILARIOUS. Im no longer saying, "What the hell?" Instead I'mma say, "What the Empire?!"

Then Vader felt sad. He threw off his helmet and killed himself too.

The End

A/N: Well, isn't this dark? Idk im bored why did I make this. Also the Luke killing himself is a joke I have with my brother. We were watching The Empire Strikes Back, and when Yoda trains Luke I suddenly yelled, "KILL YOURSELF LUKE!" In a yoda voice. Then when luke jumps off when he and vader fights, i said, "I guess Luke killed himself," and i dunno but it was funny XD

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