20 - Snape x Harry Part 9

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They crashed. They crashed into a weird forest. Snape got up, and looked around. He saw a wild Harry lurking around the forest. "Harry's alive!" Screamed Snape, happily. He also saw some blonde hair and it was Lucius. He hugged Harry, and suddenly he heard someone go like, "Ahem". Snape turned around and saw Draco.

"Oh..you're alive," said Snape disappointed.

"Oh...you're still emo," said Draco. They just stared at each other, like freaks. Suddenly, Draco said, "Back off my man, Snape".

"Fluff off," said Snape. Harry looked confused. "What's going on?" He asked. Suddenly, Draco kicked Snape's face. "Master May taught me that one," Draco said.

Snape made the Lenny face. The Lenny face looks like this: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) He got up, and beats Draco. "GET THE POPCORN," Said Lucius. "I've brought extra," said Violet. (They crashed and also came into the forest by the way, so don't hate bro!)

Nicky slided and saw the drama, kinda like how Pewdiepie slides into the DMS. "Yo...sorry Lucius, I ain't like you anymore. Can't even help your own son," he said.

"The ship is sinking!" Yelled Violet and Isabel referring to Nicky x Lucius.

Lucius started crying.

Snape screamed emo words.

Draco roasted Snape.

Harry screamed for help.

And then...Darth Vader appeared.

"Its real," Nicky whispered.

"All of it...." Said Darth Vader.

Darth Vader walked towards Snape, and put him in a choke hold. "Snarry will never happen," he said, and threw Snape. Snape went up the air landing who knows where.

He forced Harry and Draco to kiss. Nicky dropped to the floor and died. "Top ten anime deaths," whispered Violet. Lucius started to cry. "No!" He sobbed. Lucius got out a pimp stick, and was about to hit Darth Vader with it. Darth Vader turned around and choked Lucius.

"Fath- I mean Dad!" Yelled Draco. He ran to a pit filled with weeabos, slowly dying. "Nooo!" Screamed Harry.

Everyone was gonna die....

Shut up only whats his face uh -


Suddenly Violet came out of nowhere, and said, "I will finish....what you started." She got out a lightsaber, and began fighting Darth Vader. Eventually, after talking about sad stuff he realized he wasn't Darth Vader. He was still Anakin. So then Anakin cried.

He saved Draco from the pit of weeaboos, resurrected Nicky, made Lucius live and gave everyone free cheetos. Fun.

The Book Of FanfictionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora