16 - Snape x Harry Part 7

16 1 4

By the way, I'll make this chapter a LITTLE serious, but only at the beginning.

Harry POV:

When you fall off a magical, fairy princess unicorn it feels slow. The fall took around a couple of seconds, but to me it was hours. I just fell down...reaching the end of my life.

I think I heard screams, but then everything went black.

No one's POV

Everyone was freaking out, when Harry jumped off. Snape was crying, saying it was his fault, but then Lucius did something unexpected. "We must remain calm in a crisis," he said. Lucius putted on a brave look and took out his pimp stick like it was a sword.

Then he jumped off, holding the pimp stick.

"NOOOOO," Screamed Draco.

Everyone thought he died. But Lucius legit put his fat butt on the pimp stick, and the pimp stick flew around like it was a broom stick. He flew and saved Harry right in time. He layed Harry on the ground, and smacked Harry on the head with it. That's why everything went black for Harry. It wasn't because he fell and died.

Luscious Lockes realized that they were stranded in the middle of no where, and didn't have a wand. Neither did Harry. Their only choice was survivelment.

Bring it on, mother frigging nature!

Meanwhile, everyone was freaking out even more. Snape screamed, "We lost Harry and Lucius!"

"We know that!" Yelled Draco.

"Shut your mouth, Blondie!" Screamed Snape.

"My father will hear about this!" Draco screamed back.

"Your father's DEAD, fattie!" Said Snape.

There suddenly was a silence. "Dang it, really wish Lucius was here. Could've gone to gossip with him about this drama," said Nicky.

Suddenly Violet came out of no where, landed on the magical, fairy princess unicorn and screamed, "YOU RUINED THE MOMENT, AGAIN NICKY!"

Draco and Snape ignored them, and suddenly Snape got something out of his emo towel robe looking thing. A red light saber. Nicky gasped. "S- Star Wars is real? And you're a Sith?" He asked.

"Its true. All of it," said Snape. He went near Draco, so Draco had to step back. Each time Draco stepped back, he was closer to falling off the magical, princess fairy unicorn. "Either you get your grandpa hair burned with this light saber, or you have me shove you off this thing."

Hagrid and Dumbledore made weird noises, because they were scared for what was about to happen. Would Draco's soft hair be burned, or would he be shoved off the magical, fairy princess unicorn?

Draco took forever to answer. Finally, he said slowly, "I choose......LIGHT SABER!" He said yelling the last two words. He took a light saber out to, and Snape gasped. They began to fight. The light sabers were super dangerous and kept almost burning off their arms, legs, heads or butts. Snape accidentally went too hard and Draco fell of the magical, princess fairy unicorn.

"Aw dang!" Said Snape.

"aHHHH" Screamed Draco.

Part 8 in theaters soon.

O and this hasn't even been focusing on Snape x Harry. Need to add some cheesy romance (;

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