53 - Luke Skywalker x Palpafine 2

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Guess what? Luke actually lived. How, I don't know. The Force works in strange ways bro. But anyways, he got up from the floor and stared at his dead father. Palpatine was shooketh, but hey his plan worked out in the end.

So when you watched Star Wars you thought Palpatine wanted him and Luke to rule together as a secret plan, but no that's not the plan he had.

Palpatine, more like Palpafine wanted to date Luke. Uh I think Palpatine was too old for Luke personally, but I guess age didn't matter. Palpatine saw Luke alive and said, "Luke join me."

"No! I'm a silly boy who just wants to be a silly Jedi in this silly cesspool of a silly life!" Screeched Luke. "I won't succumb to the Dark Side. Everr!" Palpatine felt heartbroken. Did this silly blonde kid just insult him? "Who are you, Draco Malfoy or something?" Asked Palpatine.


"Hey I could've sworn I just heard someone say something about someone else being me," said Draco, feeling disturbed. He let go of the current Star Wars fanfiction he had made.

Back To Palpatine

Luke had never felt so offended. "Y-YOU KILL YOURSELF PALPAMEAN!" Luke yelled. Wow. What a weak roast. Gordon Ramsay would've practically killed Luke.

"Ugh! Seriously? Well guess what, this is a love story SO I LOVE YOU LUKE!" Palpatine yelled back. Luke stared. "Ew you're a old dude," he said and killed Palpatine.

Guess this shouldn't have been one if thise shipping fanfictions.

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