59 - Snape x Harry Part 14

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Cailyn stared at Isabel outraged. "WhAT?"

"Nothing," Isabel said quickly and she threw the brown paperbag at the floor. "Uh lets go. We gotta go learn about some magic."

So they went to class. Cailyn was a year older than Isabel, so she went to the second year classes. Nicky was fifteen so he couldn't be with her either. "Ew, I hate I'm alone. No cool Harry Potter characters are in my class except Luna and Ginny," Isabel said to herself.

She went to Potions. "Hey guys," said Snape. "Today we're learning about making boring potions with boring ingredients." He then putted all the stuff needed for their newest potions on the board.

"Ew, kill yourself Snape no one likes this class!" Yelled a guy named Tag.

"I agree, you suck!" Yelled another guy named Bink. Snape turned around. "You guys can have a taste of my middle finger then," he said.  Tag and Bink looked at eachother and gasped. "Dude did he just say that?!" Tag asked.

"This is a PG story!" Yelled Bink. "Don't get us into trouble, with your lame insults Proffesor Snape!"

"A PG story?" Asked Snape, completely ignoring everything else.

"Yeah, these two girls... Iailyn and Csabel... I mean Cailyn and Isabel are both in a story. With a guy named Nicolas, who they call Nicky. Weird, he's a guy not a girl."

"Ohmygoshwhathowdidyouknow," said Isabel quickly. "Wait,Iknow. YOU'RETAGANDBINKSSS!!!"

"They're retards," corrected Snape.

"No, Tag and Binks are dead!" Isabel yelled. "OMG I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW!"


"nO I WAS REFERENCING TO THE COMIC THAT THEY WERE IN. THEY'RE FROM STAR WARS LIKE HOLY CHEESEBALLS!" Isabel screeched. She once again, left class to go have a heart attack.

She ran through the hallways. But a sad, fatal thing happened.


"Oh hi Isabel," Cailyn said. She was the one Isabel bumped into. "Are you gonna have your daily stroke?" Isabel shook her head. "Bro. I found MORE Star Wars characters at Hogwarts!!!"

"That's nice. Who was it?" Asked Cailyn.

"Tag and Bink. They're not very popular, but still."

Nicky felt dumb. Here, everyone was talking about spells that were way too advance to him. He hadn't learned any spell so far at Hogwarts except, "Avada kedvra," and "Crucio." He had lied to Isabel and said he had actually been at Hogwarts when he hadn't. He just wanted to seem cool.

"Nick, you gotta pay attention more. Theres gonna be some exams soon," said a random kid to him out of nowhere.

"Uh, okay?" Nicky said. "It's not like we're gonna wind up actually doing them. Voldemort always come back and they cancel exams.."

"Omg, did you just UGH. Voldemort will never come back. Remember your sister and your cousin killed him?" The guy asked.

"Well uh...he'll use the sorcerers stone again," replied Nicky.

"BOY! What is a 'sorcerer stone?'" The guy asked.

"You'll understand one day," said Nicky and he randomly left the class. He saw Isabel and Cailyn talking to eachother in the hallways.

"HEY YOU GUYS TALKING 'BOUT BOYYYSS?" Nicky asked in a weird voice.

"What the fu-cheeseballs. You scared me. And no, we're not talking about boys," Isabel answered.

"We were talking about important stuff. Like how come nothing out of the ordinary has happened after that fateful day we went to six flags," Cailyn said. "Maybe we're nothing now that Dudley arrived...."

"Kill him. He's a rival, and getting in the way. That's what they did in Star Wars. Darth Nyriss sent Lord Scourge to assasinate Darth Xedrix once she felt he was too above her in the Dark Council," Nicky advised.

"We're not murderers!" Cailyn said.

"That's why you killed Voldemort and Hermione," said Nicky.

Well, the arguing relatives where gonna find out that they were gonna have another adventure to end the school year. And we all know who's gonna enter Hogwarts demanding his nose back...

A/N: parT 15 cOminG tO thEatRes nEar yOu!1!

Yoooo im gonna add pansy in the next chapter just to annoy viollett-snape hEHE IM EVIL. And idk, imma aDd sOme fUn sTuff

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