80 - Kylo Ren x General Hux

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"Oh. Oh. This is B-A-D," Isabel said. "This is so "B-A-D" that I legit want to grab a good bottle of bleach and a knife and end myself." She saw even more of the fanart and fanfictions. Each getting worser than the next. "HOLY GUACAMOLE DID THEY JUST-?" She stopped herself from continuing her  conversation by herself.

"I guess there shall be a fanfiction on it anyways," she said.

"Look y'all," said  Hux. "I got a new twi'lek servant!" His servant had lavender skin and looked pretty unhappy. "I swear if I had a nickle for everytime one of us twi'leks got inslaved I'd be rich," she grumbled.

All of the First Order workers were all fascinated by the twi'lek since they had never seen that species. But suddenly, all of the attention was diverted onto another man who had entered the room. "Hey guys, lookie here I got a new X-Wing and a whole new fleet of TIE Fighters for you guys to kill the Resistance with!" Said Kylo.

The attention was once again on Kylo. Kylo was always spoiling Hux's attention. Stupid Kylo. Kylo could go die. Kylo was trUly a suCked dRy leMon. (I'm sorry I just wanted to add that in)

Hux pushed the lavender twi'lek slave away. "Screw you too, Kylo!" He yelled and ran away. Why was he telling Kylo to screw him? Wait, that sounded wrong. I mean, why did he tell Kylo he was gonna screw him- I mean, FUDGE.

He went into his chambers to think things out. "Omg he is so emo die die I'm super smart and I have super red hair not him," he said. He kept on talking to himself about how great he was until he could hear someone walking in his chambers.

It was Snoke.

"Aye man, I know how you feel. When I was younger some guy used to annoy me and always act better than me," said Snoke, seeming a little nice. "But here I am. I own an empire technically. He's probably dead somewhere." Hux nodded, and wiped the tears off of him with his sleeve.

"So like, I'll be nice since I know how you feel and put you in a higher rank than general." Said Snoke.

"Really?" Asked Hux.

"Yeah. You get to be my sidekick too." Continued Snoke.

"Then what's my job?" Asked Hux.

"You get to bully Kylo around and not be reprimanded." Said Snoke.


After that, Kylo was constantly bullied and stuff and it wasn't fun. Then one day Hux felt bad and claimed his love and it was pretty romantic I guess and I think they got married and that was that and why are there so many ands?

It was nice and dandy until Kylo was having a meltdown and accidentally killed Hux.

A/N: the first half of the fanfic is so old lmao i need to actually finish my fanfics instead of just leaving them unfinished

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