82 - Cailyn x Draco Part 7

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The mysterious voice was Bux. "How did you guys find that?" He repeated.

"I found it." Said Isabel. Bux looked liked he was planning something. "Give me that please." He said, and Isabel handed over the Time Turner. "How about we go back in time?" He asked thoughtfully.

"What, why?" Asked Isabel and Cailyn together like they were Fred and George 2.0.  

"I wanna see if we can go back to time when me and Suxs- I mean Emperor Suxs were at Hogwarts. Maybe we can sneak around and see his motives for why he became so evil." Said Bux. Then, he said, "Okay listen we'll get Isabel pretending like she is Sirius Black's sister and Nicky obviously the brother, and Viollett Severus's sister, and Juan...uh be Peter Petigrue's cousin. We're just using this as a backup plan in case anything bad happens and people wanna know our identity."

"Hey, why do I have to be the cousin of that fat ugly thing bro?" Asked Juan.

"'Cause I said so."

Then he got the Time Turner to go back like years ago, and it started on the first year he was at Hogwarts. All of them watched Emperor Suxs walking tQuarters excitedly, holding a toad. He suddenly knocked over someone and Isabel gasped because the person he had knocked over happened to be Severus Snape. The surprise was how high his voice was. Snape usually sounded scary but not then. And he still was emo. Dang. This guy was devoted to being emo. Then they saw little Bux and them hugging. It was lit. 

Suxs seemed normal though. Or at least, semi-normal. Nicky this time gasped when he saw Noah! Suxs was kinda mean to him though. "Yeah I feel bad about that now, but we were more friends in our second year." Said Bux.

They then saw the sorting for them. "We got Slytherin," said Bux. "And then later on in the year, he became a Hufflepuff."

"A Hufflepuff?!" Said Isabel. "Bro, no just no. He does not fit any of the Hufflepuff traits! Offended!" Shout out to all those Hufflepuffs out there though. That house is underrated. Anyways, Bux told them that apparantly the Sorting Hat had made a mistake for once.

"Wait you're tripping, didn't somewhere in the Harry Potter books it said the Sorting Hat hadn't been wrong for a thousand years?" Asked Nicky.

"Well, I guess everyone dismissed it?" Said Bux.

Then they followed the adventures that Bux and Suxs had. "He was disowned by his family, so that's probably another reason why he became bad." Whispered Bux to them who were hiding behind a bush. They sneaked around the dormitary Bux, Suxs, Noah and Severus shared. They were all asleep.

"Awww I was so cute back then." Said Bux. "Who woulda thought I'd become a underage meme addict?"

Suddenly the door opened and Bux quickly hid with them but Juan was too late. The person who came in was Peter. The heck this boy doing in their dormitory? "What the- who are you?" Asked Peter nervously.

"Uh....I'm your long lost cousin." Said Juan. "What are you doing here, Peter?"

"Uhhhh I-I was..." Peter looked like he was gonna have a heart attack. "I-I was gonna join the Weeaboo Club."

"What?" Asked Juan. "Those existed in your time? I mean, FUDGE. I'M RUNNING AWAY!" Since he kinda spilled the beans, he opened the window in there and jumped out. Holy chicken soup, he was committing suicide.

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