68 - Snape x Harry Part 21

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Hagrid flew into a planet and it was only then Nicky realized that they were in space. "How the frick frock are we alive still?" He asked.

"The Force," Juan said mysteriously.

"Yea but only you have the Fo- WAIT DO WE ALSO HAVE IT?!" Asked Nicky.

"Uh, no I was just trying to make everything mys-" Juan started, and then he saw Nicky jump off the magical princess fairy unicorn and yell, "TIme To uSe tHe fORCE ON ALL MY ENEMIES!"

"Nooooo," Snape "no-ed" in a very gloomy, monotone voice.

Juan thought about it. His new (sorta) friend Nicky was gonna die. He couldn't often control the Force without making it act weird, but still. Maybe he could becone an attack helicopter. Very bravely he started to wave his arms around.

"Stop being annoying," said Hagrid, who now pretty much hated him.

Juan waved his arms around faster. "i SEXUALLY IDENTIFY AS AN ATTACK HELICOPTER!" He screeched. He jumped off and Pansy yelled, "No!"

"That boy is gonna die." Said Isabel. "Oh well, guess my brother and him will die together so yay they won't die alone." But something sTRaNge happened. When Juan jumped off, and started waving his arms around he no longer just wanted to become the attack helicopter.

He became the attack helicopter.

He saved Nicky from his terrible fate, and flew back onto the attack helicopter. "HAHA I'M SO COOL AND YOU'RE NOT HAGRID!" He yelled. He then flew towards Hagrid and crashed into him. "Stop!" yelled Hagrid. "I'mma crash y'all and it's gonna be your fault!" He then crashed into the planet that we will call the Theb. (Thot and Weeb mixed together lololol) They crashed into a small building that had a bunch of people. "I say that we- hey, what the cheeseballs?" said a random person, seeing the magical princess fairy unicorn crash. Everyone screamed and Hagrid got out of the magical princess fairy unicorn and apologized. "I'm sorry. This retarded Jedi boy and this other retarded brown boy on purposely crashed into me and made me crash here." All of the people looked triggered until one spoke up.

"Have you seen this anime before?" The person suddenly asked and he pointed to his shirt.

"Uhm no," said everyone except your boy Lucius since he loves anime.

"Oh. Well have you seen any anime?" The guy continued.

Everyone nodded. "Ooh, goodie. Then you can join our meeting," he said.

"What meeting?" Asked Nicky.

"The Anime Club," said the guy. "We have meetings for it everyday at 1-12 PM."

"Ew," said Snape, who hated anime. The guy turned around to look at him. "Why, don't you like anime? Or are you a Thot?" he asked.

"Omg what did you just say?" Asked Snape. "No, I'm not a Thot and I'm the first emo ever and you just offended me."

"Who cares? I bet you guys are all on the Thot Side," said the man.

"What is the Thot Side?' Asked Isabel, trying not to snort at the retarded name for

"They're well, annoying tHOTS. We're on the Weeaboo Side." The guy answered. "How do you not know?"

"Oh no," Isabel whispered to Nicky.

"What?" whispered Nicky.

"I didn't think there would be a war between them. They're both the cringiest sort of people, but they're both powerful so no one does anything to them." Isabel explained.

"How have you guys not known about the war? Everyone knows about the Battle Of Theb." He said. "Unless you're pretending to not know about it....unless you're on the Thot Side!" He pointed toward one of the other members of the Thot Side. "Throw them in the pit." He said.

"T-The pit Leader Noah?" Asked the member.

"Yes," said the other guy who's name was apparently Noah. The guy who called him Leader Noah then pressed a button and the spot where the magical princess fairy unicorn was lying at fell through a pit along with everyone on it and they all fell down. Everyone except Hagrid, since he got out of it but he was then pushed by Noah into it.


I had went through many near death experiences this year. I fell into the Pit Of Weeaboos, crashed multiple times on the magical princess fairy unicorn, and nearly had to die with Emperor Suxs. Then this. We were pushed into The Pit Of Weeaboos. Again. But no Darth Vader was gonna save us. We were gonna die. Or worse, become weeaboos ourselves...

We all heard the echoes of a weeb yelling, "Konichiwa senpais!" and I started to cry. The Pit Of Weeaboos was so scary. We had fell down hard, and that was the first thing we heard to hear. We all looked around and saw so many weebs.

A bunch of weebs rushed to us and started to talk about anime. "Ew shut up!" Yelled Snape, who was suffering worst of all since he hated anime. But what about me? I was suffering too! "Dad!" I yelled to my father. "Hit them with your iconic pimp stick!"

"I don't exactly have my pimp stick," Lucius said, gritting his teeth. "Remember it broke because of your hard head?" Oh yeah. I remembered. As the weebs kept talking and tried to get my attention, I turned my head towards Juan. "Use your Force powers and choke them!" I said.

"Okay. I can do it," said Juan. He then did the weird hand motion those Jedis use and attempted to choke a weeaboo next to me.

"For Pete's sake, you became an attack helicopter! How can you not do a simple Jedi attack?!" Yelled Hagrid.

"Well, I'm sorry. Siths do the Force choking!" Juan yelled, and his anger he finally succeeded in the Force choking.

And he choked me.

Nicky POV:

Holy duck! Juan killed Draco! Well, he didn't kill him, but he nearly did. Draco passed out from the choke. Suddenly the weeb who was next to Draco stopped talking and looked at Juan with a dead expression. The weeb then spoke. "We were going to show your friends mercy, except Draco. But since you ruined it by choking him, all of your friends are to be freed other than you and that wannabe rapper over there." He pointed towards me.

"What did I do?!" I asked.

"You stood next to him." The weeb said. "And you did nothing." Ew. He was autistic. He turned around towards everyone else. "You guys get to be freed," he said. "Since we we were in a happy mood." Everyone cheered and started to walk away. And yes, even my own flipping sister and cousin did.

The weeb turned towards me. "We're gonna have fun."

Part 22 coming into theatres near yOuuuu!1!

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