19 - Anakin Skywalker x General Hux

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

Uh stop writing.

Shut up and kill yourself.


Let me narrate.

Okay then. I'll let you.

Anakin had arrived in a new planet called Earth. He was in a ship, and crashed. When he crashed, he found a random store called Pete's Market and ate Poptarts. It was great. He was so obsessed with Poptarts that it became his life.

Screw, being a Jedi! And he wasn't gonna work for Palpatine, only to have himself end up dying. Jedis and Siths both sucked. He had a dream to make the best Poptarts ever.

He first had to learn how to. He got a piece of bread, smothered frosting into it and putted it into the toaster for two minutes.

He ate it. "No....this isn't it. Its awful," He said. He spitted it out. He needed something way more tasty. He then thought of something. Blood. No....it wasn't the Jedi way. Yet it would be much more tastier that way....

He followed General Hux, who was busy giving a speech about chicken nuggets in McDonalds like he was important. By the way, he also had crashed into Earth. ".....And that's why the chicken nuggets are good! Now eat, fatties!" He screamed.

"Can't you shut up?" Asked one of the McDonald workers.

General Hux slowly walked towards her, and screamed, "NO!" The McDonald's worker held up her hands. "Geez, bro why you gotta be so short tempered?"

Anakin then slammed open the door and walked into McDonalds. He went to General Hux, and stabbed him. He held Hux's blood in his hands then left. When he got home, he got more bread, shoved the blood on top of the bread putted it on the toaster for two minutes, and ate it. "Mmm, delicious," He said.

General Hux went into Anakin's home. "WHY YOU STAB ME? YOU MAKE ME CRY FAT SITH THING!"

Anakin cried. They then became a couple, and ate Poptarts 'till one day Hux died.

Whoops Anakin. You lost your mother, wife and boyfriend. Also, you lost all your Poptarts.

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