66 - The Pit Of Weeaboos

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(I can't believe I wrote this in October and have only now in June put this into The Book Of Fanfictions)

The pit of weeaboos. It was a legend that many had heard of, and it was a tale spreaded around the galaxy. Most people thought it was fake. But few believed in it. It was said that if you were to fall into the pit of weeaboos, many weebs would be there to greet you screaming, "Kon'nichawa, sanka shimasen ka!" (Hello, join us.) Supposedly they would constantly be speaking broken Japanese, have anime body pillows and bleach their hair weird colors like red, blue, yellow etc.

Draco secretly believed in the legend. One day in a camp not so far away, Hux was busy trying to scare everyone but was failing horribly. "Hey guys can I tell you the tale of The Pit Of Weeaboos?" He asked.

"Ew don't you tell the tale like so much?" Said Harry.

"Uh but Draco hasn't heard about it," said Hux, not knowing that Draco did know about it..

"Well tell him. Y'all are like best friends or something," said Harry roasting a marshmallow and burning it.

"White Blonde Boy I got a scary story to tell you," said Hux.

"Ew the only scary thing is your face," said Draco. "'Scuse me I am fabulous mcfatty," said Hux flipping his hair but once again failing to do something correctly. "Okay tell me the story and then leave my presence because I am a special snowflake who likes to pretend he is secretly a Weasley because he is sad that his daddy don't wuv him," said Draco.

"Okay, so The Pit of Weeaboos is one of the most scariest tales to be ever told. So, one day this dude was walking around the woods sad because his girlfriend broke up with him because he wasn't emo enough and suddenly he slipped. He fell into The Pit of Weeaboos and was never seen again. The last thing he left before he fell, was his phone which had My Chemical Romance music playing," explained Hux. "Legend has it that the guy is in the woods, looking for victims to lure into The Pit of Weeaboos. But you first have to play My Chemical Romance music in the woods while chanting, 'I am emo, I am emo.' Oh and also, you can fall into The Pit of Weeaboos anytime, anywhere."

After hearing that, Draco was scared. Would he fall into a pit of weeaboos? "Is there a way to protect yourself from The Pit Of Weeaboos?" He asked. Hux shooked his head. "No way. Oh, did I mention that the camp we're at just happens to have the same exact place where the dude died?"

"AHHH!" Screamed Draco, running away. He ran past Hermione and Finn, past Kylo Ren and Harry in which Kylo Ren said he did something and that he was about to eat nachos. He was about to run past Palpatine who was having a nice conversation with Voldemort about the type of poop he poops out. "Omg, you poop out rocks? So do I!" squealed Voldy, while eating a taco. Draco accidentally bumped into Voldemort, dropping his taco. "NO!" Voldemort screamed. "YOU WILL PAY YOU DUMB BLONDE!" Voldemort started chasing after Draco and honestly bro it was so dramatic. Draco didn't realized he had reached the woods....the woods where the man had died.

"Dang it! WHY DID I END UP HEREEE!" Screamed Draco. Suddenly Draco could hear a weird voice."Kon'nichawa sanka shimasen ka!"

"W-What?" Draco stuttered like a stuttering lil dumb boy.

"Come, Draco-Chan," said the voice. "We have brussel sprouts."

"Ew I hate brussel sprouts," said Draco.

"Koko ni kite," said the voice. (Come here.) "We have Jello."

"Dude I'm kinda allergic to gelatin so I'mma have to pass," said Draco back.

"Ugh just come here already!" Screamed the voice. Draco suddenly screamed, "STRANGER DANGER YEEE!" The voice had had enough and seized Draco's legs pulling him to a ground and into a pit. The Pit Of Weeaboos. Draco realized this and suddenly was scared for his life. The demon/weeb there isn't really a difference, then started screaming Japanese words and that was when the mind torture began.

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