Chapter 2

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Tobias was right about the number of initiates. And almost right about where they be from. We had three Erudite, three Candor, two Amity, and, surprisingly, two Abnegation. The Abnegation were twins. I looked the transfers over.

Ryan- the first jumper. Former Erudite.

Tesa- a blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl of average height. Former Candor and currently checking out my husband.

Jessie- a shorter, blue-eyed ginger. Former Amity. You could tell just by looking at her that she never belonged there.

Jordan- a tall, lanky boy with jet black hair and sparkling green eyes. Former Abnegation. It looks like he has a dangerous side.

Emily- a tall, skinny girl with the same jet black hair and green eyes as her twin brother Jordan. Obviously former Abnegation. Looks like almost anything could set her off.

Kyle- an average height, blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy. Former Erudite. I kinda think he should've stayed there.

Michael- a kinda short, brown-haired, brown-eyed boy. Former Amity. You could tell by the way he looked at Jessie that she was the reason he transferred. It kind of cute.

Rachel- a dirty blonde-haired girl with gray eyes. Former Candor. Obviously Tesa's best friend. Also checking out my husband. Looks like a complainer.

Dylan- a snobby looking blonde with odd green eyes. Former Candor. A hot shot. Thinks he's cooler than he actually is. I think we might have trouble with this one.

Amber- a quiet, shy looking dark skinned brunette with bright blue eyes. Former Erudite. She kept to herself. Something about her made me wonder.

There was only eight Dauntless born, so the transfers had a better shot of staying this year. I led the way until it was time to separate. The Dauntless born went with their instructor Lauren and Will. I definitely didn't see Will, one of my best friends and married to my best friend, training initiates. But I guess it's happening. I waved goodbye to him and turned back to the initiates.

"Listen up transfers!" Tobias said sharply. All of their eyes went straight to him. "We are your instructor's for the next couple weeks. I'm Four and this is Six."

Tesa snickered. "How original."

I walked up to her. She was a couple inches taller than me, but size doesn't always matter. "You got a problem with our names?" I questioned.

She crossed her arms. "I'm not afraid of you." She retorted.

Tobias' voice sounded from behind me. "You should be." When Tesa just smirked, he added, "You don't know what she's capable of." Before I walked away, I gave her a glance of the 4+6 tattoo on my wrist. Anger flared in her eyes.

"Four?" I asked. "Would you like to continue?"

"Yes." His eyes shone with laughter even though the rest of his face showed no trace of it. "As I was saying before I was interrupted," Tesa glared at him. "We will be giving you a tour of the compound. Starting with the pit." We both turned around and started walking away. The transfers followed close behind. Tobias and I were walking close together, so our arms were touching. And almost our hands. I glowed with satisfaction as I felt Tesa's anger filled eyes on my back.

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