Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


Tobias had said that. He stood up and walked over to the leader. "What do you need?" he asked him.

"Eric has been killed." Max reported. He didn't seem upset over it. "We don't know who did it, nor do we care. Eric was probably one of the worst things that happened to this place. Anyways, we need a replacement. And you and Tris are next in line."

"It's the same answer as always Max," Tobias said.

"I decline as well." I told him. I then remembered that Will had wanted to be a leader, but his chance was snatched away. "You should ask Will. He'd make a great leader." I saw Christina's eyes flash over to me. She looked grateful.

"I'll consider it," said Max. He turned and walked out, closing the door behind him.

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes. There was nothing to say. Tobias and I said goodbye to Christina and left. As soon as we got back to our apartment, we collapsed onto the bed. My bed seemed more comfortable than usual.

*Page Break*

The next morning, I reluctantly got up. My body hurt all over. I limped to the kitchen to grab the salve I had left on the counter. As soon as it touched my cuts, instant relief happened. It didn't take the pain away completely, but it was pretty close.

A wave of nausea hit me just as I was done putting on the salve. This morning was pretty bad. It took a long time for me to be able stand up. This time, Tobias wasn't here to comfort me. He must still be sleeping. I couldn't say that I blame him. Last night was horrible. I just tried to not think about it.

I got dressed and woke up Tobias.

"Tris," he moaned. "Just a couple more minutes! Please!"

"Nope," I said, popping the p. "It's 7:45. Get ready."

As soon as I told him the time, he sprang out of bed. I think he set a record for the fastest time for getting ready. Soon, we were getting everything ready for the simulations.

First up was Jordan. His next fear was, like the last one, a pretty common fear. Fear of heights. Nothing interesting happened.

In Jessie's next fear, my theory about her Divergence proved to be correct. She, like Tobias, had a fear of confinement. But what happened was strange. She pushed upward, and it was like she was in a cardboard box. She sprung up and out of that dark, cramped space. She came out of the simulation immediately after.

"Jessie," Tobias said softly. "What were you're aptitude results."

"Dauntless," she said nonchalantly.

"We're being serious." I told her. "We all know that's not true."

"Dauntless and Erudite," she said quietly. "I know what it means. I'm Divergent. And just to let you know, Mike is too. He told me. He was Dauntless and Abnegation. He said that if it wasn't for me, that's where he would have went."

"Thank you for letting us knows this." Tobias said. "You two need to be careful."

Jessie nodded, and then exited the room. The next person to walk in just happened to be Mike. Tobias and I decided not to say anything until after his simulation. His fear was upsetting people. He wanted to help them in any way he could, but he just didn't want them to be displeased. He was put in a room with about ten others, all of them shouting at him to help them. They all needed ludacris things that he couldn't do. He proved that he was Divergent by just walking out of the room, leaving the ten angry people to their own devices.

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