Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Tris was freaking out. She's was struggling to get the I.V. out of her arm. Blood oozed out of the spot where she ripped it out.

I ran over to her and tried to contain her. "Tris!" I yelled at her. "Tris! Everything is fine."

Her blue gray eyes snapped to mine. They searched my face for any sign of truth. She must've found some because she calmed down slightly.

"The baby?" she questioned hesitantly.

"Is alright," I assured her. She sat down on the bed, taking in what I had just told her. Neither of us spoke for a while. She looked deep in thought and I didn't want to disturb her. She was the one to speak first.

"I need to confess something," she whispered.

"Shoot," I told her. I didn't know where this was going.

"I… I don't really want this baby." She said. Shock rippled through my body. I thought I was the one who didn't want it. "I know it seems like I do, but honestly, it scares me to death. I just… I just hate myself for thinking like this. I shouldn't not love it. But I do! And I feel horrible because of it! I don't want to kill it, but I don't want to have it."

I engulfed her in a hug. "You are not a horrible person Tris." I whispered.

"Yes I am," she said into my shoulder.

"No," I said firmly. "You're not. It's completely understandable that you don't want it. You didn't plan this. No one did. It obviously happened to prove that you can manage this. If you can survive what just happened, then you can survive having a kid." I paused for a moment, letting my words sink in. "And if anyone's horrible, it's me."

"Why would you be the horrible one?" she asked.

"Because I suggested that we get rid of it." I answered. "I never wanted this baby either. When I saw how protective you were over it, I wanted to be that way too. I wanted to love and cherish it because I thought you did. And that's the reason I am telling you this. Because you made me want it. The reason I was so hesitant and against it at first is because… because I'm afraid of becoming like Marcus." I finished quietly.

The look Tris gave me was like a slap to the face.

"Don't say that," she told me angrily. "You are not and never will be like Marcus."

I kissed her on the forehead. "You will never be Marcus," she repeated.

I pulled her into another hug. Her flinching made me pull back. "What?" I asked, concerned.

"Nothing," she said. "Just a bit sore. Just got attacked, you know." I didn't understand how she could be laughing at this. Then, Eric and Tesa popped into my head.

"Tris," I began. "There's something you need to know."


"Eric and Tesa are dead."

*Page Break*

Tris P.O.V

"Eric and Tesa are dead."

My heart stopped momentarily. This was a total shock.

"Did you-"I began.

"No," Tobias reassured me. "I almost did though. Christina shot Tesa and Will accidently choked Eric to death."

"How do you choke someone accidently?" I asked.

"He was holding Eric's throat so he couldn't get away. He just squeezed a bit too hard." I explained.

"I just can't believe Christina did that."

"She must've seen me carrying you here, then followed Will and I to the basement." I thought aloud.

I wasn't listening though. My thoughts kept drifting back to the baby. Tobias loved it, because he thought I loved it. And he still loves it. That will never change. Now that I know that he wants it, maybe I'll want it too. I'm happy my baby's ok, but do I still not want it? I'd have to think about this later, the doctor was entering the room.

"Can I leave Doctor?" I asked hopefully.

"Whoa!" he said, laughing. "Calm down there Tris. How are you feeling?"

"Just really sore." I answered, not very truthfully. My body hurt all over.

"Ok, I guess I can discharge you." He said. "I'm giving you this salve though to put on the worst of the cuts. And you'll have to come back in about a week to get your stitches out."

"Will do Doc," I said. I went into the bathroom, threw my clothes on, and started to rush out of the infirmary. Tobias followed closely behind. I wish I could have gone back to my apartment to sleep (it was currently around midnight) but I knew I had to go see Christina.

I didn't bother knocking. I opened her apartment door, ran over to her, and pulled her into a hug.

Her eyes were puffy. I didn't like it.

"You're ok!" she said happily.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied. "Just a bit sore, but I'm still intact."

"I had to shoot her." Christina told me. "Four was hesitating and I wasn't sure if he was going to do it. I saw him carrying you to the infirmary. That couldn't go unpunished." Now she was directing her voice at Tobias. "Why were you hesitating? Why didn't you just shoot her?"

I knew why he didn't, and I wasn't about to reveal that to Christina.

"It doesn't matter," I said quickly, before Tobias could respond. Christina still looked a little suspicious, but she didn't say anything more. "Where's Will?" I asked cautiously.

"He needed to think, so he went for a walk." She said, fresh tears were starting to well in her eyes. "What are they going to do to him? He killed a leader!"

"I don't know. They might just let him off because of Eric's past." I said hopefully.

"Tris is probably right," murmured Tobias. "Remember how Eric tried to team up with Jeanine Matthews? They were going to use a simulation serum to make Dauntless attack Abnegation and overthrow the government. After they stopped him, Eric was never fully accepted back into the group of leaders."

"They're going to ask you Four," I said quietly.

"Ask me what?" he questioned, sounding slightly confused.

"To be leader." I replied. "You know they are."

"and, like always," he said stubbornly. "I will refuse their offer. I'm happy where I am."

"But you could change Dauntless!" exclaimed Christina. "You always said that this isn't how Dauntless is supposed to be. You could change it back!"

"I don't want that responsibility." Tobias stated. "It's not right for me."

No one said anymore on the subject. I knew Tobias wouldn't change his mind, and Christina must have figured it out too. There was a knock on the door. I just figured that Will had forgotten his key. When Christina went to open the door, we were all a bit surprised.


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