Chapter 1- Let the adventure begin

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                        ((Bella's POV))
The first day I'm finally going on my first adventure! I'm so excited but scared at the same time!! Imagine Bella the adventurer!! I'll be famous for going on adventures, exploring the dangers of the world! I should really focus now. Ok so do I have everything? I got my extra clothes, shoes, my blue bow, can't forget that! That's my good luck charm. I have my camping supplies and that's really it I guess. I should probably go and say goodbye to my parents and sister first before I go.

* Bella goes down stairs to go and to find her parents and sister*

Bella: Oh! Hi Mom! Hi Dad!
Mom: there you are! I was going to just call you down stairs for breakfast before you leave.
Bella: It's ok Mom, What's for breakfast?
Mom: pancakes!

* Bella stuffs her whole face full of pancakes, chomping down two plates full of pancakes*

That was good mom! I loved it! I'm going to miss your home made pancakes mom. I'll never be able to cook like you.
Mom: Oh honey...... I bet your cooking is delicious. You just have to practice your cooking skills more!
Dad: See your mother is right, you just have to practice more.
I guess you guys are right. I should go and see my sister now, before I leave for good.

* Bella walks into her sisters room to see if she's there*

Bella:Hey sis are you there?
(?) Sister: Hey Bella!!! How was the pancakes? I helped mom with them.
Bella: they were great! I loved them soo much! I can't even describe how much I love pancakes! So Bugs, did you get any by the way?
Bugs (sister): Ya I did get some, I even woke extra early today just because I know you would eat a lot!
Bella: You know me soo well! But Bugs I'm going to miss you. I love you soo much.
Bugs (sister): I love you too, I'm going to miss you.

* Bella and Bugs both hug each other, while crying*

Bella: Bugs just remember that I'll be here for you. Always! No matter where we are I'll be there!! Even if I have to walk miles away, I would do it.
Bugs (sister): I will don't worry.
Bella: I got to go and find Molly now, do you know where she is?
Bugs (sister): No sorry.......

* Bella waves goodbye to Bugs, and leaves her room. She goes to try and find Molly*

Now where is she? I should go and check outside that's a favorite spot for a dog to be, the great outdoors!
*Bella goes outside to search for Molly*
Molly! Here Molly, Molly! Molly just come over here!

* Molly runs toward Bella*

Molly (doggo): woof!! woof!! Hey Molly! Are you ready to go with me on our adventure!!
Molly: Bork!
Im guessing that's a yes?!

* Mom, Dad and Bugs ran to the front door! They all yelled WAIT YOU FORGOT YOUR STUFF!!!*

Wait did I actually forget my stuff back at the house? Well I must have because my whole family are yelling at me. I'm actually glad my parents a least cared for me. I'm glad to have such a wonderful family.

* Bella runs to the front door*
Mom, Dad and Bugs: you forgot your stuff.
Bella: thank you guys! I would have forgotten about this. I knew I was missing something with me, I just didn't know what.
Mom: your welcome sweetie, Now run along and be safe ok!
Bella: ok mom I will!

*Bella runs back to Molly with her stuff*

Now Molly are you ready to go on our adventure Again!!
Molly: Bork! Bork!
Then let our adventure begin!!!!!

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