Chapter 5- Kyle's parents?!?

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((Bella's POV))
*The Next Day*
I woke up again in my room. This time Blossom wasn't knocking on my door loud, I decided to get up. I looked outside my window to see that it was probably around six in the morning. I walked to the bathroom to do somethings like take a shower, do my hair, use the bathroom, and other stuff too. After I did all of that, I went to see if I have any clothes in my bag for another adventure. I didn't really find anything that I liked in there so I decided to wash the turquoise dress again and so I did. I didn't want to just wear this again so I decided to wear my hoodie over it. The hoodie was white and had a bottom in the front. I look like that girl from a book called "Little Red Riding Hood" but except her hoodie was red, and mine was white instead. I went to Molly and she was up, she seemed pretty happy. She was waging her tail and giving me puppy dog eyes. I pet her and said Stay here ok, I don't want anything bad happening to Blossom ok?

Molly: Bork! Bork!!!!

I said bye to Molly and left the door open for her. I walked down stairs and saw Blossom doing paperwork, I said hi!! She said hi back at me.

Bella: Hi Blossom, Did you have breakfast yet?
Blossom: No not really, I'm been working on paperwork right now.
Bella: Why don't I make breakfast for us then.
Blossom: Really? ok sure! I'll just be doing paperwork.
Bella: ok sounds great. I decided to make waffles for us, I told Blossom I was done with it and I grabbed her a plate. I handed her a plate and she ate while writing, reading and signing things too. I was impressed how she can multitask while eating. I said something to her, Hey Blossom can I talk to you about something?
Blossom: Ya sure! I need a break anyway with this lord stuff. It's just to much for me, I can't keep staying up late doing theses thing. I stayed up so late last night.
Bella: I'm sorry Blossom you should have ask for help, I would have helped you. I'm sure it is a lot for you, Does Stan help you with this stuff?
Blossom: No not really..... we usually fight over stuff, about what's good for the village. Wait you wanted to ask me something Bella? I'm sorry I got off topic, I laugh awkwardly at her. I shouldn't do that, I'm a lord, I should now better not to interrupt people.
Bella: It's ok Blossom!! Um what I wanted to ask you is, Why is this village called Cherry Blossom?
Blossom: oh what a question!! Ok so the reason why this village is called Cherry Blossom is because My Mom always loved Cherry Blossom trees, she thought they were so pretty and beautiful. One day she passed away from an illness, she told me to take of this Cherry Blossom tree. Take it somewhere and plant it for me, somewhere special it could be. She always believed in Cherry Blossom trees, she said it has a special power. I believed in her words and I took the Cherry blossom tree and placed it somewhere special. After a few years later this place bloomed into Cherry Blossom and why it's called it....I frowned a little, just thinking about my mom.

Bella: O My light! I'm so sorry about your mom, I'm sure she was a wise woman. Do you think what she said was true, that the Cherry blossom tree has a special power?
Blossom: I would think so??
Bella: Hey! Ummm I should go and find Kyle, I'm sure he is waiting for me!
Blossom: Ya! That's right I forgot You and Kyle are going, Go ahead!!
Bella: Ok bye Blossom! I waved and she waved back. I opened the front door and closed it behind me. I walked towards the guard station and knocked on the door. Someone opened the door, it was Stan.

Stan: Why are you here? I said sarcastically. I don't really trust this girl, I don't see why Kyle and Blossom both trust her. It just gets me boiled up how they can trust her of all people!!!
Bella: Ummm I'm here to see Kyle? Is he here?
Stan: No He's- I got interrupted my Kyle!! Mmmm great! Just great!
Kyle: Hey Bella? Are you ready?
Bella: Ummm Ya I am, I was really confused about Stan. Why didn't he just tell me Kyle was here?

Me and Kyle left the guard station, I went to go waved back at Stan but he just gave me a glare. I nervously look away from Stan and looked a Kyle. He gave me a worried look on his face, I guess he knows something is wrong. He said it's ok, he's just always been that way to new people. I smiled in relief. We both started to walk to Blossom's house. We both walked inside the house and Kyle said that we're leaving now and Blossom said ok, just be safe. We both walked outside of the house and started walking towards the forest again. I said where are we going?

Kyle: where going to Lovely hill!
Bella: Lovely hill? What's that?
Kyle: It's another village that's on the other side of the forest.
Bella: Do you think Lovely hills lord will give us some money for the village?
Kyle: Oh ya I'm sure of it! I've actually met the lord from the village, he is really generous to people. Also he has a lot of money so ya.
Bella: Really?! What's wonderful news, wait so how did you met him?
Kyle: Well, I actually lived there for most of my life with my family.
Bella: Wait you lived there!!! Your parents live there!
Kyle: Ya, I'm probably going to visit them since we are going there anyway.

*A few hours later, We were both
standing in front of Lovely hills and we both walked inside*

There were guards in the front, Kyle said hi and the guard waved back. Since Kyle said he lived here for most of his life the guards let us through and of course the guards recognized him as well. We walked for a little and saw a house, the house was brown with a white trim on the outside of the house. Kyle knocked on the door and someone answered it, it was a girl. The girl had dark pink hair that faded into a light pink, she had a daisy in her hair and was wearing a yellow and orange dress. She yelled and screamed at Kyle! She said Kyle!!! and hugged him really tight. She looked at me and said to Kyle who's this your girlfriend?!

Kyle: What No Lily!! She's not my girlfriend!! I blushed a light pink
Bella: What No!!!! I'm not Kyle's girlfriend!! I looked at Kyle and I blushed a pink
Kyle: Eh-hem! Well Anyway Lily this is Bella and Bella this is Lily my sister.
Bella: Sister! I couldn't believe this is his sister, they didn't really look anything alike.
Lily: Oh Kyle! Mom and Dad are going to be so happy to see you! I'll go get them right now!!
Kyle: let's go inside.

We both went inside and sat down a table by a window. We both heard Lily running down the stairs. Lily took a set next to Kyle and said the her Mom and dad are coming. I saw them come down the stairs and sit right next to me. They both said Kyle! We're so happy to see you home!! How are you?

Kyle: I'm good Mom! How about you?
Kyle's Mom: I'm good! Who's your friend?
Kyle: That's Bella, she came here with me to go and see the lord.
Kyle's Mom: I see, so your on an adventure. That's cool. Well Bella, I'll introduce myself I'm Hope Kyle and Lily's Mom.
Hope: Sweetie your son has a friend why don't you introduce yourself!
Kyle's Dad: Right! I'm John and I'm Kyle and Lily's Dad.
Bella: I couldn't believe it! I look at Hope and she has purple hair, her hair was in a bun. She had light pink eyes like Lily did, she was also wearing a light blue dress. John has black hair and dark eyes, it looked like he was a guard also like Kyle. The armor John was wearing was a green on with a sun symbol on the front, he also had a cape that was purple.

Kyle: well I don't mean to interrupt this family reunion but is it ok if we stay here for a few days because we don't really have money to go to an inn.
Hope: Of course it's ok! Feel free to stay here as many times as you like!
Kyle: Thanks Mom!

Lily showed me her room I would stay in for the past couple of days. Her room was nice! Lily's room was painted a pink that went into a light orange, her bed was a pink and it even had a window and a closet plus a bathroom! She had fabric on her selfs and a sewing machine, I'm guessing she likes making dress?

Lily: Here's my room, you'll be staying here for a few days. I'm sure in theses past couple of days we'll become best friends. Anyway here's a extra bed for you!!

I yawned and decided to just sleep in the bed because it was a long day of walking, and talking. I didn't even have a chance to say night to Lily, I was that tired!
Lily: Yawn.... Night Bella? I turned around to see if Bella would say night but she didn't. I guess she had a long day, I laughed a little but not to loud to wake up her. I shutoff my light and closed my eyes.

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