Chapter 36- I know I can treat you better

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                        ((Kyle's POV))
Today is February 20th, today was ok but I still have this thought in my head. It's bothering me a lot and I really want to ask Bella about it. Ok so, you know when Bella danced with me and she just walked away to the forest. Well I might have followed her by accident. So I followed her and saw her meet someone, which is fine but it wasn't just a person. No, it was a werewolf!! Bella and this werewolf talking together, are you serious?! I thought she did like werewolf's because of what happen. So why meet up with one on Valentines Day of all days. Wait... are they together?! No... they can't be right. Anyway I was hiding in the bushes spying- I mean, it was an accident so I just happen to be there. But I think they figured that out because they ran away, so I just headed back to the party. Then Lily got into an argument and ya. Now it's at least 6 days after that and I never asked her about it. But she's been busy with Bun, so I can't blame her. It's my fault basically, for snooping. But even if there together, well if she's happy then I'll be happy for her even if it hurts.

Jay: Kyle are you going to do something or what? All you have been doing is staring out your window and haven't left your room since this morning.
Kyle: What?! Oh ya I should probably go do something right?
Jay: I think that's best, come on let's go do something together.
Kyle: What do you want to do?
Jay: I don't know, do you want to check up on Bella?
Kyle: I don't know...
Jay: Oh come on, You know you want to!
Kyle: I sigh, fine.

We walk out of the guard station and to Blossom's house. Jay knocks on the door and Blossom answers.
Blossom: Oh hi Kyle, Jay.
Jay: Hi Blossom, do you know where Bella is?
Blossom: I think she's in the garden why?
Jay: Kyle and I were bored so we were thinking we can help Bella with something.
Blossom: Oh ok, have fun!!

Kyle: Bye Blossom!!
Blossom: Bye!!
So after we asked Blossom we went on the search for Bella in the garden. When we got there she was just sitting there writing in her book. We both go up to her, hi Bella!
Bella: Oh hi Kyle!! Hey Jay!!
Jay: Are you doing anything today?
Bella: No not that much, just writing that's all. Do you need me for something?
Kyle: Oh no we're find, we just wanted to check up on you.
Bella: Aww thank you, but I'm fine. You want to stay with me?
Jay: Actually I should be going, Stan wanted me soon. Better not keep him waiting!!
Bella: Oh well ok, So Kyle you want to stay with me?
Kyle: Sure!

Jay then leaves and goes to see Stan somewhere, now it's just me and Bella. I really wanted to ask her about him but, I'm sure she won't want to talk about it. I sit next to Bella.

Bella: Hey Kyle is something wrong?
Kyle: Huh, oh it's nothing!
Bella: Are you sure, you usually don't want to hangout with me.
Kyle: What do you mean?
Bella: Like you usually don't ask me if I'm doing anything today. Your usually busy doing guard things while I'm doing things for Blossom.
Kyle: Well then maybe we should talk more often then?
Bella: I smile, I'd like that.
Kyle: It's settled then.
Bella: So really what's on your mind?
Kyle: Ok fine, you know when you went into the forest after we danced together.
Bella: Um.... yes?
Kyle: Well I followed you and saw the werewolf you were talking to!!
Bella: Kyle... I- It's hard to explain please don't be mad.
Kyle: Mad?! Bella why were you with one of them?
Bella: I was just talking to him that's all.
Kyle: What were you thinking?!
Bella: Well first off, you shouldn't be mad at me because I was doing something nice for him.
Kyle: And What's that?!
Bella: Ugh just never mind!! You wouldn't understand anyway, why does everybody that I talk to somewhat hate werewolf's!!
Kyle: There worthless people Bella!! They hurt innocent people just like you and me!!
Bella: Well what if NOT all werewolf's are like that?! What if I actually made him one of my friends huh?!!
Kyle: Then good for you, be with him I don't care!!!
Bella: He's my friend Kyle,  I can't just forget about him!! He doesn't have anyone and I'm the only thing he has!! If you were in that position I would do the same. If your really my friend then you would have trusted me and NOT have followed me!!
Kyle: I'm your guard Bella, I'm supposed to protect you.
Bella: A guard should know there space!!  You don't have to always protect me, I'm find on my own.
Kyle: Fine you have a point, I'm sorry. I should have trusted you more but I'm just worried about him hurting you.
Bella: I'll be find Kyle, I promise.

*play music *
Kyle: But I won't lie to you.
I know he's just not right for you and you can tell me if I'm off. But I see it on your face. when you say that's he's the one that you want and you're spending all your time in the wrong situation and anytime you want it to stop.

Bella: Kyle, I know you want me to be safe but you don't have to do this.

Kyle: I know I can treat you better than he can and any girl like you deserve a gentleman.
Tell me why are we wasting time on all your wasted time.
When you should be with me instead.
I know I can treat you better, better than he can.

I'll stop time for you, the second you say you'd like me too.
I just wanna give you the loving that you're missing baby, just to wake up with you.
Would be everything I need and this could be so different.
Tell me what you want to do.

'Cause I know I can treat you better than he can and any girl like you deserves a gentleman.
Tell me why are we wasting time.
On all your wasted time when you should be with me instead.
I know I can treat you better than he can.

Better than he can.

Give me a sign take my hand we'll be fine. I promise I won't let you down.
Just know you don't have to do this alone, I promise I won't let you down.

I know I can treat you better than he can and any girl like you deserves a gentleman.
Tell me why are we wasting time.
On all your wasted time when you should be with me instead I know I can treat you better then he can.

Better than he can.

Needle and the thread gotta get you outta my head.
Needle and the thread gotta get you outta my head.

Bella: Kyle...
Kyle: No really, I need to get this off my chest. Bella I still love you very much, I want the best for you. I know I'm probably over thinking it but does he like you. Are you with him, I just want you to be happy. I don't want you to be sad with him. I don't want you hurt Bella. I care for you very much.

Bella: No, I'm not with him but I can understand why you were concerned. I know you want me to be safe but I can take care of myself sometimes. You don't have to worry for me all the time.
Kyle: I'm glad you can take care of yourself but if you need anything you know who to call.
Bella: Thanks Kyle for understanding.
Kyle: If you say he's ok to be around then I believe you.

Well I'm gonna go back to the guard station so I'll see you later ok?!
Bella: k,k Bye!!
Kyle: See ya!!

I go back to the guard station and go to sleep because I have nothing else to do. I dream about a different life where I'm still with my parents. Everything is different and purple guardian is the common enemy. It's very strange but I won't question it. I just hope Bella forgives me for what I said today. It was stupid and I should know better but I guess I just wanted Bella to be safe that's all. "May Light brighten everybody's day by being there for them in times of need." "In the darkest hours of the day, she will bring the light to us." "Thank you Light, Thank you."

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