Chapter 14- Finding Help

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((Misty's Pov))
I saw Bella run into the dust of smoke!? What was she thinking just running in there like that?! We both heard a person screaming and then Bella just runs off. I was so surprised to see her just run off, she could be in danger?! I should go ask for help, why am I just sitting here? I ran off in a different direction then the dust of smoke, I was looking for a guard or maybe Blossom the person Bella told me about. Patches look out for a guard ok! She look up at me, good! We kept on running until I saw a person that look like a guard, I said with no breath of air left. m-my fri-friend named Bella went in-in to th-the smoke!!
???: Hold on take deep breaths, now what did you say again?
Misty: My friend named Bella went into the dust of smoke!! Idk why but she might be in trouble and or something worse!!
???: Wait did you say Bella?!?
Misty: Yes I did!! Hurry go help her please! After I said what I had said the person started running into the dust of smoke. I heard people say that people who attended the festival needs to go too the lords house for safety reasons. So I just picked up Patches in my arms and went to that big house on the hill. Hopefully Bella is ok with Molly and that weird guy helps her. I really don't know who he is, maybe next time I see him I can properly introduce myself. All I know is that he has brown hair? I think?......

                     ((Molly's Pov))
I heard Bella say Go get help! So I did and ran off! I barked for help, maybe someone can help, anyone please my owner is being taken by a random person!!! I kept barking as loud as I can and I heard some foot steps coming my way. They are coming closer, oh thank goodness! I run towards the person barking at them. The random person saw me and said Oh No! Let's go! I barked and we both ran towards where Bella was, But she wasn't there!!! I put my nose on the person's leg, the person said Where is she?

Where's the Peace Breaker?!?!

I put my ears straight up! Who's that!?! I'm looking for my owner not this Peace Breaker!!! I barked at the person, but another person yelled again. We couldn't find her! Where would she be! I'm such a bad dog........ I'm suppose to protect her. Me and this random person that I don't know just started running in the dust trying to find Bella again, but the dust was getting hard to breath so we just came out of the smoke. Hopefully she's ok! I hope, I would sense her smell but the smoke made it to difficult to tell where she should be. I decided to just say with this person for awhile because they now my owner so I should trust them right?!? Anyway I just started walking with the person to Blossom's house, idk why we are going there but I guess we are now! The person said they your Bella's dog right? I barked twice while wagging my tail. I guess that a yes the person said. The person said I'm Bella's friend named Jay. He said also that's he's a guard here now at Cherry Blossom which is cool! Anyway it was a bad day today if I have to say. I basically couldn't find my owner in the attempts at helping her. But I did get to eat food!!! Mmmmm food!!! Don't get me started on food! I'll eat anything you'll put in front of me! I don't care what it is I'll eat it! I'll even sit if Bella tells me too!! 🤤🤤🤤🤤 I just love food!!

And from that point on, Molly started ranting about all different kinds of foods! What you should eat and not eat, but who cares because Molly will eat anything!!! Right?!?!! XD lol Anyway hope you guys like it so far! 💙

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