Chapter 20- Promise

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((Bella's Pov))
After taking my nap, I felt a lot better! I open my eyes to see if I actually did sleep all day. I got up and walked to my window. I looked outside, guess it's dark then, well I guess I did sleep all rest of the day. I went to sit down on my bed and took the book Jay gave me and decided to write in it, because I was bored and there's nothing else to do so ya.
        Today is February the 6th, so far it's been a interesting day today. I finally got out of that trouble cell, I was stuck with werewolves for 3 days!! I asked them why they captured me specifically. They said I was the
"Chosen One", the Chosen One is I guess a girl that smells like roses and is forced to marry there Alpha's son. Why do I have to be Chosen?! Ugh!! Now I have to look out for werewolves!! But that's besides the point, I actually met a werewolf. He's really nice and sweet, his name is Cloud. I would like to talk to him more but he ran away because Jay made him angry. You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover right?! I mean werewolves are usually mean and stuff so I'm supersized Cloud has nice to me. Can't believe I started my adventure on January 18th and it's February all ready!! Heh!

I wanted to ask you, I summoned a bubble that protected Cloud and Jay from striking each other. It's was pretty weird at first, but it's been bugging me ever since. Like I don't think I have powers, like I wasn't born with them. Meh! I'll figure it out later I guess. Hopefully Cloud is ok and not like in danger or anything. Also a reminder to do is to tell Jay thanks for the book.
• Tell Jay thanks for the book & maybe give something to show him thanks!!!
But ya it was super weird, maybe I should ask Charlotte about this? I mean she is a witch so I guess she might now something about this.
• Ask Kyle for training!!
This is so I don't forget myself!! So anyway long story short that's really it so far.
     May Peace fine you, Bella

Well I'm done writing now, that was fun I enjoyed it!! I closed the book and put it by my bed side table again. I hear some coming from outside, sounds like someone throwing rocks. I open my window and stick my head out, i look up and then I hear, Cloud??!!!!
Cloud what are you doing here?
Cloud: You really thought I wouldn't come back and check on you?
Bella: I mean..... you did kinda stormed off.
Cloud: WOW ok!!
Bella: Hey I did totally save your butt from Jay back there.
Cloud: Right sure you did. Anyway do you want to hang out for a bit?
Bella: Ummm... sure I have nothing better to do so ya. Wait how am I going to get down?
Cloud: Just jump out the window!! Don't worry I'll catch you!!
Bella: What!! No way! Nope! Hey, I feel someone pulling my dress. I look down and it was Molly. Molly! But!
Molly: Bork! Bork! 🐶
Bella: ok fine I'll go! I decided to be adventurous this time and jump out a window. I closed my eyes and then I opened them to see Cloud's dark brown eyes starring at me. I feel my face turn pink. I couldn't tell if he was blushing to because his scarf was in the way. I look at his ears and tail, he still was wearing his black hoodie.

I felt so speechless and then I finally spoke "Cloud, Can you put me down?"Cloud: Oh! Ya sure

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I felt so speechless and then I finally spoke "Cloud, Can you put me down?"
Cloud: Oh! Ya sure.
Bella: So where are we going exactly?
Cloud: We're going somewhere just follow me.
Bella: ok.....

We start walking away from Blossom house and up a hill or a cliff. Cloud sat down he told me to sit down to and I did. Then we started talking,
Cloud: Bella?
Bella: ya?
Cloud: Do you have you know powers or something I should know?
Bella: I mean I don't have powers but after that bubble thing happened I honestly don't know anymore.
Cloud: I see, so your unsure now since you like summoned a bubble in my face.
Bella: that was totally not in your face it was in between you and Jay.
Cloud: ok, well your right.
Bella: So why did you come back?
Cloud: Well I wanted to know if you were safe and it was kinda rude of me just to storm off like that. I'm sorry by the way.
Bella: I understand, you were just angry about what Jay said to you.
Cloud: Bella, Promise me that you'll treat me like one of your friends and not like your enemy.
Bella: Cloud, I promise. You'll always have me by your side, don't worry ok?
Cloud: Ok, I just don't want to lose the only friendship I'll have with anyone. Bella your special to me, just know that.

    ((You can play the music Now))
The sun starts to rise, it's so beautiful I say. Cloud looks at it too, this is why I brought you up here. To share this with you. Heh!! Cloud! I say, I start to blush again!! Meep! Cloud decides to put his hand on mine and I blush even more. Whyyy!!! Am I blushing so much!!!
Cloud talks to me and says So you Promise you won't break it. Cloud I said I would keep it. Ok ok! Cloud said.
Cloud: Isn't beautiful! So many oranges and pinks and red plus some yellows too. I always like watching the sunrise and sets. I never get to share it with someone but now I can.
Bella: heh! Thanks I'm actually glad you brought me up here, it's so magical. I'm just amazed!! I look back at Cloud and he faces me, we were both looking at our hands on top of each others. Oh! Sorry! I moved by hand in embarrassment. He said it's ok! He grabbed by hand again and he smiled. Meep! Gosh not again! I blush more now I'm probably like a red tomato now. I look at him, Umm Cloud I'm going to go now. Cloud said Ok! Will meet again right! Of course I say, thinking of what  I had said!! 😰 I start walking back to the house and climb a tree kinda close to the window. I jump back in the house and plop on my bed. Wow! Well that happened, I rub my arm in awkwardness. I look at Molly and she barked at me. I fall back to sleep thinking and reliving that moment. That one moment were Cloud and I sit watching the sunrise. Looking at each other and holding each other hands. Ugh! Why are feelings so complicated!!! But I Promised Cloud something today and that's to be his friend not his enemy and I'm going to keep it. They shouldn't make werewolves all seem bad because really you might have someone you don't know and what if there really nice and sweet and have lots in common with you. So then what do you do! You become there friend!! You talk to them!! That's all they ever wanted is a friend or someone to noticed you as you. The real you!!! I try to go back to sleep but I can't because of what just happen, I close by window see Cloud run back into the forest. Bye Cloud, I whispered to myself. "May we see each other again, for destiny fine us both...."

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