Chapter 26- Lily's shop

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((Bella's POV))
Today was the day I was going to meet up with Lily, I intend on telling her all the things that had happen in the past few days ago. There's honesty a lot of stuff to tell her!! But actually I hope nothing trouble happens again like the hole "Festival thing." Anyway I shouldn't dwell on the past I should look ahead for the future to come! I get up out of the bed and take a shower and get dressed. I took off the maid outfit from yesterday and put on  the dress Lily made for me on. I still love it so why not wear it again! Molly you coming I said she bark so that's a yes. I went down stairs to get breakfast today I just ate cereal. I was just not that hungry so I ate cereal at the table. I heard footsteps coming downstairs, it was Blossom. Morning Blossom!
Blossom: good morning, are you off going somewhere today?
Bella: Ya I am, I was going to meet Lily today. Would you like to sit next to be?
Blossom: Sure
Bella: So anything up with you?
Blossom: Well I'm planning on talking to Stan most of the day, like just a relaxing day. I'm not doing anything eventful so I plan to spend it with him.
Bella: Oh, so are you and him......
Blossom: Heh, guess you found out my secret!
Bella: What no way, you and Stan are a thing! 
Blossom: Yup, but please don't say anything I don't want people to know about us.
Bella: I understand you completely but why don't you want people to know?
Blossom: Well my dear apprentice, when your a lord some times you have people who force you to marry to gain control of your village, for power basically. I don't want people to know because other villages will think not kindly of me to marry a guard more so of a royal blood. When lords marry someone it's usually from royal blood so if I were to be in a relationship with a guard then people will think I'm a disgrace to be a lord for a village and probably they'll overthrow me as lord.
Bella: Oh! So your keeping it a secret because your afraid you'll be overthrown as lord.
Blossom: Yes my dear, so please Bella for your sake keep this a secret for me and for Stan.
Bella: You have my word.... my lips are sealed.
Blossom: Thank you! I smile at her and she smiles back.
Bella: Awww!! That's so cute, so your spending time together today!
Blossom: Yup, oh look at the time I better go so should you Bella.
Bella: Oh ya! Thanks Blossom, bye see you later. Come on Molly let's go! I left Blossom's house and went toward the cherry blossom tree. I walking to Lily's house. It was brown with stone trim on  the windows there were theses flower pot things beside the window which I thought was the cutest thing! There were different types of flowers there, it look to cute. I decided to knock on the door.

Bella: Hello Lily? It's me Bella!
Lily: Coming!! I ran to the door and opened it to see Bella!
Bella: Hi Lily!!
Lily: Bella your here I thought you would have forgot.
Bella: What no I would never!
Lily: Here come in make yourself at home.
Bella: I walked into Lily's place, it felt so at home already. She had an open floor plan, when you walked in there was the kitchen and a huge table. The living room was section off to the side it also had carpet on there which was pink. Also there was an upstairs, the upstairs had her room and a office space for her dress. Also for her to make dress as well. Her room was mostly pink with pink carpet, pink bed just mostly pink. I guess that's her favorite color then.... she had a showing machine it was the same one at her parents house. There were dress designs on the walls and yard and fabric in an organized closet. Heh I guess she's more organized than Charlotte!! I laughed at the thought of that. It was a pretty good house for just one person, I liked it a lot. Anyway we sat at her living room to chat.

Lily: So Bella, how was your morning so far?
Bella: It was pretty good, how about you?
Lily: Mine was fine.
Bella: So did you hear about the party thing Blossom's holding?
Lily: Oh yes, I'm definitely going!! Are you going?!
Bella: Nah I rather not...
Lily: Bella.... please?!
Bella: I'll think about it.
Lily: So Bella, tell me what has happened theses past few days!!
Bella: Well, I tell Lily what has happened theses few days. She was very shocked at the things I told her like me being the Peace Breaker, also trying to find the Love Angel. Things at the bakery and ya that's it!
Lily: Wow!! I can't believe that happen to you!
Bella: Yup sure did.
Lily: That's so cool!! Do you have any hints on who the Love Angel might be?
Bella: Umm, no not yet.
Lily: Heh it's ok, You will definitely know who ever is the Love Angel soon enough.
Bella: Ya I hope so, it's not that easy you know. Maybe that book will tell me something but unfortunately it doesn't give any hints just a few little facts about the holder. I look down and Molly is laying her head on my feet.
Lily: Well you know what?
Bella: I look up at Lily, what?
Lily: Would you like to check out my shop?
Bella: Oh would I!! I jump out of my set and Molly wakes up in an instant. She gets up and so does Lily. We all went outside and walked towards Lily's shop.

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