Chapter 23- White Wings!!

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((Bella's POV))
I-I..... I look at the ground. No I can't be the Peace Breaker RIGHT?! I grab my hair in frustration. I run to a mirror in the bathroom to get a glass of water to calm myself down. I look in the mirror, I look normal but.... Wait!! I-I have WINGS!! White wings to be exact. So that means I'm the Peace Breaker. Wait what do I tell Charlotte, what do I say to my friends? To my parents? To Blossom? I uh, don't know what to do. I turned around to see the wings. The wings were white and had sparkles coming out of it. I run to my bed and put my face in the bed too. I can't believe it?! How did theses wings appear and how am I supposed to hind them? What do I do next? How am I supposed to find the holders? I can't do this, Light probably just got the wrong person. But I don't think she would make a mistake, it's probably not a mistake and I'm overreacting. But I'm just so scared, excited, supersize, tarried, and nervous because of this becoming a new thing for me. I go in the bed again, I can't sleep anymore. Theses wings are bothering me a lot, I keep tossing and turning. I'm still wide awake, theses thoughts are going through my head. What if I fail, what if I get hurt what if something bad happens. I can't just sleep, I have so many questions that need to be answered. I guess I'm actually the Peace Breaker huh? I get up out of the bed. Im going to go see if Blossom is wake. Maybe she'll help me clam down so I can sleep. I walk out of my room, I look to see if Molly was coming. She was sleeping, I decide to not wake her up and just go and find Blossom instead. I walk to Blossom's room and knock on the door, Blossom are you there? I said. There was no response, she's probably sleeping now. Ugh! Why did I think I could talk to her, she's sleeping for goodness sake. I walk carefully down the stairs, I leave the house to try and calm myself.

I slowly walk away from the house. I don't think anyone would be up this late at night, but there was someone. I the distance. I walk towards them, they were by the center of the village or just near the cherry blossom tree. I look at them, I can't really tell who it is from the dark. They turn there head, looking at me. I finally know who it's is, it's Kyle?!
Kyle: Oh my Light, you have me a heart attack for a second there!! Bella!
Bella: ah... Sorry!
Kyle: Nah it's ok, so why are you here so late at night? Wait? What's?
Bella: This! I say pointing to my wings, I uhhh... it's hard to explain but
Kyle: But what?
Bella: Well you know the legend of the Peace Breaker, I guess you can say I'm the Peace Breaker now!
Kyle: what?! No your joking right?
Bella: I wish! But no I'm not.... I stair at the ground. I feel so stupid for telling him this because it's a legend and how would he believe me.
Kyle: I grab her hands. Bella it's ok, I'll be here by your side through thick and thin. I'll always be here for you.
Bella: I look at him, thank you Kyle... I start to blush a little.
Kyle: I pull her in for a hug, I rap my arms around her. What am I doing?! I thought to myself how stupid it was to hug her.
Bella: Kyle hugged me?! I'm so surprised, I'm shocked. I didn't know what to do but I start moving my arms up from my sides and rap my arms around him also. He's so sweet to me, I thought to myself.
Kyle: She actually hugged me back! Maybe I have a chance after all, or maybe I'm just over exaggerating but I do like, like her. More like Love her, ha!  But never mind that, I'm just to shy to confess to her, but maybe someday I will have the courage to.
Bella: Kyle? I said
Kyle: Yes, Bella?
Bella: Can we just talk for a minute?
Kyle: ya sure, we let go of the hug and sit underneath the cherry blossom tree. So what did you want to talk about?
Bella: it's just, I don't know how to take this being a holder and all. Especially when nobody knows yet except you of course and being the apprentice for a lord and-
Kyle: Well I'm sure Blossom will be ok with it, and you have us to help you.
Bella: ya that's true, I-I yawn.
Kyle: Heh! You should probably sleep you know. I look at her, she puts her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes. "What a wonderful site to see, the girl I love has her head on me." My face turns into a tomato. She's so peaceful looking why'll she's sleeping.

                       ((Kyle's POV))
I look at her wings and they disappear in thin air. Um.... interesting, that's kinda weird but I won't question it. I was on my portal earlier but now what do I do? Do I stay here with her or leave her alone? Well of course I'm staying with her, she's been cot up in her work so much lately but she should take it easy once in a while. I sigh, what am I gonna do with you. I pick her up carefully in my arms and bring her back to the guard station. I go to my room with her and put her on the bed and put a blanket over her. Sigh, Bella you get some sleep ok? I look at her she's so sweet to everyone and she is trying to help the best as she could around the village but she should know to take it easy. I close the door and leave my room. I walk to the couch that was down stairs in the living room and slept there for tonight. Just when I was gonna sleep Stan walks in the living room.
Kyle: Oh hey Stan, are you gonna take your shift now?
Stan: Ya I am... See you later ok?!
Kyle: Ya sure, I wave goodbye to him. He leaves and I put my head back down. Finally some peace and quiet. I fall asleep for tonight, it was an eventful day. I got to train Bella and talk to her which is great. I even got to hangout with Jay today too. Hopefully Bella can tell the others about her new powers tomorrow. Goodnight Light!! May Light shine on tomorrow for a beautiful day!

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