Chapter 17- Running for Safety

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                       ((Bella's Pov))
It's been at least two days now that I've been in this stinky situation. Today's the night were I escape! I basically just cooked for those werewolves.... all day! I hate being here! I am in my cell right now, so how to get out of this cell. Wait, that's right I have my lucky blue bow on me. Do your magic bow! I took off the bow and shook it very forcefully. Just shaking it up and down seeing if something will happen and then something fell on the ground right at me feet. A bobby pin fell on the ground. Yes, I could pick the lock I said in a whispered voice so the guard couldn't hear me. I walked to the lock and picked it and it unlocked. I opened the cell door and closed it behind me so they couldn't really tell I escaped. I put my blue bow back on and put the bobby pin in my hair. I walked very slowly up the stairs to the door, I got upstairs now it's just going to the door. I walked a few hallways and there it was the door! I was walking towards it just reaching for the door handle, I turned the door handle and it's the outside of the castle? I mean I walked outside look at what this place actually looks like because before I was knocked out, but it does look like a big castle to me. I ran back to the door and closed it. I walked a little and then started to run, bye castle that I never wanted to see again! I ran and then I broke a tree branch, I looked at my foot shocked that I just did that!!

Who's there?! A person yelled
I start running for my life!! Just goo! I keeping telling myself just goo! Never stop running! I looked back behind me when I heard GET BACK HERE!! GUARDS AFTER HER!
Oh no! Just go run into the forest, I kept running for my life. Each step I took felt like the last, I was so tired but I had to keep going. I was determined to go, to fight back, to do what's right for me and everyone else. I'm sure everyone is worried about me. I run as fast as I could, the guards are behind me yelling at me. There yelling to get me. I just keep running, there a few branches in the way, so I just hop and slide to dodge them. I was hoping they couldn't catch up but the branches didn't stop them. They were still behind me. I took a quick glance back to see and guess what? They have bows and swords with them! I didn't notice they had weapons on them before!!! I start running even fast after seeing that, I hear fire behind me. They are shooting arrows at me from above, I cover me head. I need them off my trail! I start running and picked up a stick, I was holding the stick with a tight grip. I threw the stick back at the guards and it hit a guards head, the guard that got hit said is that all you got?! JUST A STICK!! Haha! ALL HUMANS ARE THE SAME!! THEY WILL ALWAYS BE WEAK, IGNORANT,STUBBORN,WORTHLESS,And ALWAYS BE IN FEAR!!
Hahahahahahhaha! All the other guards laugh at what he said, they were laughing at me!

😔 Maybe there right...... I start running away, they are still behind me! Ugh! You know what?!!! I'm an amazing person, I shouldn't let this get me down! I'm strong in my own way!! I can fight back! No, I shouldn't really fight back just because I don't have a weapon. But I can hide in the forest, I run into the forest trees more. I run behind the tree and hid there. Finally the guards run past me, Finally!! I'm FREEE!! I look at the guards run past me to make sure there gone. I- Aaaa! I got pulled into the forest. They were pulling me somewhere, I look at them. They had a black hoodie on, I couldn't see there face because there pulling me by the arm. We get to a little tiny camp, it has a tent a fire and logs around the fire. I guess there camping? Ummm! Hello? I said trying to get the person to speak. They point to my bruise, oh um ya I got a bruise from someone grabbing my arm. They went close to me look at the bruise, umm? I felt kinda uncomfortable they just went like really close to me. The person garbs my hand and points to the logs. I sit down on a log and they went away into the tent. They came back with a first-aid kit oh! I said thanks! The person looked around the forest and then looked at me. Your welcome, he said. He came to me with the first-aid kit and took out a bandage, he was rapping it around my left arm and put ice on it too. I look at him, I could finally get a good look at him, he had a green scarf on and wore a black hoodie. He had black hair and had dark brown eyes. He wait! YOUR AA-

A werewolf, he said

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A werewolf, he said. He kept pudding more bandages around my arm. He said " I know your running away from werewolf guards, and I know you probably hate them by now but just give me a chance, I'm helping you aren't I?" I looked at him, ya I guess you are. So um, are you usually in the forest a lot? Ya I usually am he said So are you going to you know, like bring me back to that place!?!?
Pfff! No! Why would I? He said
Oh ok! That's goodness! I said
He laughed at me and I laugh with him too. I'm Cloud he said, I'm Bella!
He finished bandaging up the bruise.
Cloud: the bandage should help you move your arm more. Just keep ice on it.
Bella: ok! Thank you again Cloud. So are you with a pack or anything?
Cloud: No, I'm not with a pack. I ran away from my pack.
Bella: Why?
Cloud: I'll tell you later, when I actually trust you more.
Bella: Fine! Don't tell me then
Cloud: I will tell you, but only if I get to know you more first.
Bella: Fine! Fine! Ok, I'm 16 years old, I live in the town of Cherry Blossom with my dog called Molly. At Cherry Blossom we were hosting a festival when werewolves crashed it and kidnapped me. I ran away from the place and that's basically were I am right now.
Cloud: Cool, well I'm 16 years old too, I'm a werewolf that ran away from its pack because they made me sad and angry. They always hurts me by hitting me and yelling at me, It was horrible! Even my parents and other pack members hurt me and teased me! My parents always told me to be more like a leader and that I shouldn't like humans. Werewolves usually don't like humans so it's weird if a werewolf does. I ran away and that's why, I guess you can say I was a Omega. I'm a lone wolf, it's fine tho. I can take care of myself.
Bella: It's ok Cloud, you don't have to say anything else. I understand. I went to give Cloud a hug and hugged him
Cloud: Bella hugged me, I hugged her back and said Thanks for understanding
Bella: Of course! That's what friends are for right?!
Cloud: Right?
Bella: Did you ever have a friend before? You seem so unsure.
Cloud: I mean like! NOT I DIDN'T HAVE A FRIEND BEFORE OK!!!!
Bella: wooo! Calm down, but Cloud we can be friends if you would like?
Cloud: I would like that.
Bella: Cool! We stopped hugging and sat at on of the two logs together.

I feel really bad for Cloud, and for that other kid with the werewolves. I wonder if they'll ever find there son, I mean I don't really have to marry him but I feel bad. I'm sure the kid is ok on his own, it's probably for the best because Thorn and Lilac are just you know bad parents I guess. Cloud looked at me, what? I said
Cloud: Nothing!
I guess there's something's I'll never now, I looked at the fire. It looks amazing. It was getting late, I was even getting tired. I sat by the fire and slept on the ground. I'm just to tired besides I didn't want to sleep in Cloud's tent. I curled up into a ball lying next to the fire. I feels so warm, I finally feel more safe now knowing that I'm not in that stupid cell again...

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