Chapter 34- Lucky 10

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((Bun's POV))
Bun: I don't want anything to change..
???: I'm coming for you! You can't abandon me, I adopted you!!
Bun: No please father!!
???: Your coming with me if it's the last thing I do!!
Bun: But Why?! You were so happy before you were drinking...
???: That doesn't matter now, what matters is what you did to me. I grab Bun's arm and slap her face. You don't EVER question me in my house got it!! I'm the one in charge here NOT YOU POOR DEFENSELESS HARE!!
Bun: I look down and start crying.
???: I'm the ONE who SAVED YOU, I'm the ONE who Raised You FIRST!! Not that WORTHLESS HUMAN GIRL!! WHY TRUST HER OF ALL THINGS!!
Bun: LET ME GO!! You don't know anything, you weren't there!!
???: But I was Bun... I'm here with you forever and you can't forget about me!! I'm a piece of you, and you will for me.
???: I'm Coming for you... and your so called family as well. You deserve to be punished by my hands only. Oh and your so called Mother as well.
Bun: No?! Don't you dare touch a finger on them!! They did nothing to you!!  Oh but they surely did.... Can't you see the world is always filled with hateful people!! There's even Dark magic for goodness sake!! Why trust them instead of me?
Bun: Because you were a horrible father to me!! "Unlike you they treated me like an equal but you just threw me away like a piece of garbage."
???: Sigh.... Oh Bun, Oh Bun what will I ever do with you. Why can't you understand that in this world darkness rules over the land NOT LIGHT!! Come my child, come to the dark side with me.
Bun: No I will NEVER!!
???: I tightened my grip on Bun's arm and push her on the ground letting go of the grip. "YoU.... yOU DuMb hAre!! YoU have chosen the WrOng PaTh, NOW YOUR LIFE WILL BE FILLED WITH MISERY and YOU WILL PAY!!

Bun: No.... No please I don't need this please. Tears roll down my face. I don't want to hurt no more... Blossom, Bella, Molly. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry... It's all my fault!! My father... he's coming for me and all of you and it's all my fault!!
*play music*
Bun: I want to believe, I can be more than what I see. Don't wanna hurt no more, Wanna hurt no more. I'm able to breathe, Swept in thoughts of you and me. You've opened up the door, Opened up the door.

Bella: You will be safe with me...

Bun: I've Stumbled before, But never landed on my feet. How could I know, how That every heartbreak took a piece. Heartbreak stole nine lives, I had on left to keep me alive And I saved the last for you!! Saved the last for you!!

Bella: If you want to call me Mom you can...

Bun: To many times, I overlooked the guiding line. It's hard to define, Harder to tell the wrongs from right. I've swallowed the lies And died a little more each time.

Until I found you, Lucky I found you...

Bella: Yes, Bun you deserve someone to take care of you and I intend to do just that...

Bun: Don't wanna stumble again, I know you'd catch me if I fell. Hold on 'til the end, 'Cause I know I can't save myself. Heartbreak stole nine lives, I had one left to keep me alive And I saved the last for you!!

...Does this mean, that your adopting me?
Bella: I guess so Bun, I guess so...

Bun: Heartbreak stole nine lives, I had one left to keep me alive And I saved the last for you!! Heartbreak stole nine lives, I had one left to keep me alive...

And I saved the last for you, Saved the last for you and I saved the last for you...

Saved the last for you...

Bella: Bun!! Bun!! Bun are you ok? Bun please wake up your getting me nervous!!
Bun: I open my eyes slowly... Mom?! I get up and hug her right away.
Bella: Um...Bun? 
Bun: I close my eyes and start crying, Mom your ok?! I thought I lost all of you...
Bella: I hug her tighter, Bun that will never happen. I would never do that to you.
Bun: But~
Bella: I'm fine Bun, I promise. Did you have a nightmare?
Bun: Nightmare? Was I sleeping all this time?
Bella: Don't you remember we headed off to bed, it's now the next day in afternoon. I was going things for Blossom and then when I came back to check back on you, you were crying.
Bun: Oh? I let go of the hug with Mom.
Bella: I wipe her tears off her face, I smile.
Bun: I smile back, Thank you Mom.
Bella: You want to meet some of the people in the village? It can help keep your mind off of the nightmare.
Bun: Ok Mom.
Bella: Why don't you get ready and I'll go wait by the door ok?
Bun: Ok!
Bella: Come one Molly let's go!!

((Bella's POV))
Bun: I'm ready Mom!!
Bella: K let's go, We are going to visit everyone at the garden today.
Bun: Why the garden?
Bella: Well it's because it's a nice place and I thought you might like it so why not right?!
Bun: We walk to the garden and there's a lot of people there. Wow I didn't know this many people live here with Mom and Molly. They seem so excited to see a new person living in the village. I'm kinda nervous but I have to be brave for Mom.
Lily: Oh my Light!! Look how cute she is!! Hello there? I'm Lily and this is my brother Kyle.
Kyle: Hello, I'm Kyle and I'm a guard here in the village.
Stan: Hello, I'm Stan the head guard of the village, Kyle is my second in command.
Jay: and I'm Jay, I'm the third in command of the village.
Misty: Awww hello there!! I'm Misty!!
Charlotte: Nice to meet ya, I'm Charlotte!!
Mary: Aaaaaa!! She's adorable, Hi I'm Mary the barker of the village.
Patrick: Um.... Hi I'm Patrick
Blossom: Hi Bun!!
Bun: Gram, Gram!! I run to her and hug her first.
Stan: Gram, Gram? But I thought you weren't related to Bella.
Blossom: I laugh, No we are not related but Bun just likes calling me Grandma so I went with it.
Stan: Oh? See that makes more sense.
Lily: So your a mom now huh?!
Bella: Yup sure am!!
Lily: So who's the—
Bella: Lily, I adopted her!!
Lily: Awww..... :( I whisper but Kyella for life!!
Kyle: So... I walk up to Bella and stand beside her. I whisper If you need anything for me I'll be there right away ok?!
Bella: I smile, thanks Kyle.
Misty: She's so cute, I can't. When Blossom told all of us about her I didn't know she would be this cute!!
Charlotte: Your Really turning into a mother B huh?
Bella: Charlotte!!
Charlotte: What?! It was funny!
Bun: Mom, can I play with Molly please?
Bella: Sure, just be careful ok?!
Bun: Ok Mom!!
Kyle: Honestly that's really thoughtful of you...
Bella: For What?
Kyle: For just adopting her right away, to give her a new home. Your really kind Bella.
Bella: Thanks Kyle, After that we all sat in the garden and talked for a bit while Bun was playing with Molly. I'm relieved Bun was ok, I just hope she'll be fine living with me that's all. We had a lot of laughs together, Bun was right we are all like family in a way. We all care for one another and I wouldn't want anything more. I just wish this can last forever, all the good memories and such. But things happen and we can't stop it either way.... That's why we have to keep our heads up high!!

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