Chapter 48- The Blazing Roses

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                            ((Bella's POV))
The sun had risen from the following day before. I slowly open my eyes from the bright light casted through the mysterious forest. I then sat up from the flower patch. Although when I finally was getting adjusted to the light, he was gone. He was nowhere to be seen but all there was in the remnants of the flower patch.

I then decided to stand back up and scratch. He mustn't have gone far considering his unstable state. That said, where could he have gone and why hadn't he tell me. I must say he is a sneaky fellow, but that's why I love him. I start scouting the area and called for him. Luckily I found him in just a matter of time. He then responded immediately from a pile of bushes.
"Bella you're awake.."

Bella: I responded saying, "You shouldn't be pushing yourself in your state."
Cloud: I know but—
Bella: No buts miser, why did you run off without telling me. You know Dark's campsite is nearby. Speaking of which we should get going before we cause any more trouble.
Cloud: I-I am sorry. Did I make you worried my rose petal?
Bella: Yes actually you did, I thought something happened and—
Cloud: To answer your question, I am in the bushes because I was trying to find something for us to eat. I wanted it to be a surprise for you but I guess you caught me red-handed. Do you want to help me?

Bella: Of course I'll help. Although you're still covered with dried blood and bruises don't you think you should clean up first before we make something to eat.
Cloud: Nah I'm completely fine I promise.
Bella: I look at him concerned, Cloud... if you're trying to make up for what happened between us the past couple of days. This isn't the way to do that.
Cloud: How did you—
Bella: I know because that is what I would have done if I did something wrong. And you shouldn't feel like you did something wrong Cloud. I am guessing you have your memories back from the past few days huh?

Cloud: I stand up and get out of the bushes and walk towards Bella. "I um.. yes that's exactly it" I wanted to make up for what I did to you and your friends. It was wrong of me to do those things I did. I ah— I shake my head. I-I just don't know how to do this sort of thing.
Bella: I hug Cloud, hey it's ok. I am always here. We did promise didn't we? That we would always stay by each other's side. That we would treat each other as equals.

Cloud: You... remember that
Bella: Yes of course.
Cloud: I start tearing up... B-Bella
Bella: Cloud my love what is wrong...?
Cloud: I-I am so sorry. Sorry for causing you so much trouble. All this started because I started snooping around your home. Then I saw you with another guy and—
Bella: Shhh it's ok. 
Cloud: No, no it isn't. I made a mistake which turned into a disaster. This is why I am not cut out for royal life. I can't be a leader nor a good partner. I am the worthless werewolf that everyone says I am. I am sorry...

Cloud then turns around and starts limping away from me.
Bella: Cloud wait!! You're not worthless nor are you in the best shape to be thinking straight. Please just hear me out, for one second. He stops in his tracks.

Bella: Cloud you're an amazing person. Even though you were a thief moving from town to town. You decided to stop and help someone in need. Mind you it is a human of all things that you were treated to dislike from childhood. You had taken the courage to help a human despite your own family's values. That doesn't happen to just ordinary people. Cloud, don't you understand that you're already a leader and a well-renowned prince. You're worthy of living life because of your kindness and generosity.

If you weren't there to help me, I wouldn't have known what I would have done. Honestly, I could have died in a miserable way possible. Cloud, you will always be my courageous prince who saves the day. From the bottom of my heart, I love you.
I then shout "I love you, I love you, I love you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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