Chapter 42- Healing Ashes

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((Bella's POV))
I run with little energy I still have to go help Stan and Jay in trouble. I can't look back on Cloud, on Blossom... that doesn't matter now. The only thing that matters is to make sure everyone is safe. I have arrived face to face with a were-fox herself. I attack her without hesitation or asking at questions. Foxy then lays on the ground because she didn't realize she had attacked her. I pointed my white sword ate her neck. Both Stan and Jay fall on the ground. Then mysteriously the poison gas had went away.

Foxy: Ow, Watch it!!
Bella: What are you going her?
Foxy: Why do I have to answer to you?!
Jay & Stan: Bella?!
Bella: Answer me now, before you and your little "friend" get hurt.
Foxy: Foxy looks at Bella's white sword and realizes she can't go on much longer but also she is the one she's been looking for. "Peace Breaker?!"
Bella: What about it, answer me now before I kill you.
Foxy: I'm only looking for you, I give a cheeky smile.
Bella: What do you want with me?
Foxy: I only want you to talk to my lord that's all...
Stan: Bella is everyone ok?!
Jay: Where's Kyle, I thought-
Bella: There's no time to explain, do me a favor take miss fox her to the Guard station.
Foxy: Whatever you say Princess... I laugh.
Bella: I put my sword down, Stan and Jay then take her to the Guard Station for questioning. But there's still one problem, Blossom's house is still on fire.

We walk towards the Guard station with everyone. Everyone seemed pretty devastated on the events that had happened today. Everyone was quite, not a single voice spoke when Stan and Jay took this were-fox in. Stan and Jay then put her into a sell in the basement of the Guard station. My bubble then goes away and I stand up onto a table.

Bella: Everyone it's ok now I said, you are now safe. Please go to your homes and get some sleep. I will talk to you all tomorrow.

Then everyone except Kyle, Lily, Misty and Charlotte had stayed. They all can up to me.
Lily: Oh my Light!! Thank goodness your safe. I go to hug Bella and Bella hugs be back.
Kyle: I go up to her, and take put my hand forward to her. I was trying to give her a hand shake but Bells grabbed my hand and hugged me instead. Charlotte and Misty then give her a hug as well.
Bella: Oh guys... I start crying you all mean the world to be. I couldn't ask more of you. Then we let go of our hug.

Charlotte: Bella your powers and that's-
Bella: I know, I know... my powers came back yes but this, I point to "her" bandanna didn't.
Kyle: No, I can't be!! I told her you were in there but she didn't listen to me.
Lily: Blossom...
Misty: But How?
Bella: I couldn't help her, if only I was there sooner. I-I
Charlotte: Bella, Don't beat yourself over it. You did your best right?
Bella: But I-
Charlotte: No buts. We are all terribly sad for our loss of our lord. But that doesn't mean we have to blame ourselves for her loss.
Misty: She's right you know.
Lily: the only thing I'm a little confused about is my powers. Why didn't I activate my powers to help you.
Charlotte: Good question, I honestly don't know. Maybe it's because you don't have control over it yet.
Bella: I wipe my tears, Well I don't really have control over my powers anyway but I still activated mine.
Charlotte: True, that's all so true.
Kyle: Guys we can talk about the Elements of Light later, but for right now I think we need to address who's being our new lord.

Bella: Oh, here Kyle. My white sword then turns back into Kyle's red sword. I give it back to him.
Kyle: Thank you Bella, I smile at her. She smiles back.
Misty: Well obviously Bella should be our new lord?!
Bella: What no, no way!! I can't, especially when I was so close...
Lily: Well then that's why, you were her Apprentice that means she wanted you to rule Cherry Blossom just in anything happens right?!
Bella: I guess so...
Lily: Then it's settled...

Stan and Jay then come upstairs to the rest of the group.
Stan: What's settled then?
Lily: Umm well....
Bella: Lily no not right now!! I covered her mouth with my hand. I'll um... tell you later ok Stan?!
Charlotte: Bella!!
Kyle: Bella you have to, it's better if you tell him now then later.
Bella: I sigh, and let go of Lily's mouth. I then walk up to Stan. Stan....
Blossom is, she's gone. I cry, I'm sorry, I'm very sorry!! I could have done better-
Stan: What?! She's... I almost fall to the ground but Jay manages to catch me.
Bella: I take her bandanna off and give it to Stan. She gave this to me and wanted me to keep everyone safe including this. So I think you should have it-
Stan: No. You have it, she wanted you to have it. I won't disrespect her wishes. Jay then helps me stand back up. So, Blossom wanted you huh? To me the new lord I'm assuming.
Bella: It looks like it, Yes. But I don't deserve that title, especially when I caused all of this. The only thing they wanted was me, so maybe I'm better off leaving you all alone.
Lily: Bella don't say that, we all love you very much. You have done so much for us, for the village, for "her"... It's only right you our new lord.
Stan: I Sigh, even though we didn't have the greatest terms in the beginning. I think it's what "she" would have wanted.

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