Chapter 15- Kidnapped!!

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                        ((Bella's Pov))
I was taken away by this person from the festival, I couldn't tell who it was. All I know is that we were running away back into the forest!! It has something to do with the Peace Breaker but what?! We were running as fast as we could, well the person still was holding onto my arm tightly which hurt a lot!!! We were running and running felt like a few hours to be honest. After running the person just stopped and stood there, I did too. The person basically didn't say anything to me, they just stood there silent. The person turned around and did some magic on me!! I looked at there fingers and they were doing some weird hand movements. I felt very sleepy after that, I think I was knocked out. I blacked out not remembering anything else from that.

I opened my eyes..... Where am I? I was in a cell?!? How!! I looked around no one was there, I looked at my arm. It still hurts, I guess a bruise is there because it's black and blue. Just great!! I was kidnapped and got a bruise in one day! I didn't know what to do I just sat here, I wanted to yell but that would probably get be in a more sticky situation. I heard foot steps coming my way. I heard a guys voice, he was standing in front of the cell I was in. He said "Well, Well, looks like your coming with me." I wanted to say No! But I was to scared for my life so I just stood up and stayed quiet. He said "Come on cheer up your in a better place now."
How could I be in a better place when I was just kidnapped by a person! I yelled at him this time. Wow! He said, Just come with me or else. Or else what?! I said. Or else you'll die by werewolves, he said. Werewolves?! I said. He opened by cell and grabbed my arm. He dragged me to a dining room filled with two werewolves. They were talking about a person or there son?
???: We Need to fine our son!! We have been looking for months now, he can't be far! We need him to be Alpha! He's the rightful Alpha in line to be! He needs to act like a leader and be proud of it! He needs to be stronger and not just worry about other stuff!
???: He's stupid for leaving! What a stupid kid I can't believe he's ours! How could he! He's so weird for thinking humans like us, they are supposed to fear us!!
???(the person): Um Alpha?! We have the girl you asked for. Is she the chosen one?
???: Hey you! Come here now!
Bella: Me?
???: Yes you stupid!
Bella: ok? I walked towards both of them I guess there both leaders of there pack. Pretty mean, no wonder there son ran away. I wouldn't blame the guy. I stood right next to the guy. He had black hair that had green tips on the bottom. He had brown eyes, with gray werewolf ears plus a tail. He was wearing a jacket that was white and green with thorn marks on them, he was also wearing a green pair on shorts. He looked at me and said "You must be wondering why your here right?"
Bella: Yes, I am.
???: Well we heard from another wolf pack that you were the chosen one. We took the chance to strike and decided to kidnap you. Sorry Not Sorry! Well you'll probably will be helping us find our son and marrying him because your the chosen one!
Bella: Wait what?! I was shocked, how could this guy straight up tell me to find his son and marry him because I'm "Chosen."
???: In your kind you have the Peace Breaker and well in our kind we have the Chosen one. The chosen one is supposed to marry the first born son of the pack.
Bella: Well sorry! That's not going to happen! I said this is a mean way
???: Fine! If you play it that way then you'll be our maid for your entire rest of your life!!
Bella: Fine!! I yelled in fear but with confidence because I can totally fine a way out of here. I whispered Please Light!
???: Hey! My name is Thorn and that's my wife Lilac! But you call use by Alpha to you miss!
Lilac: Ya!! Miss go get us tea!
Thorn: Make it snappy! I snapped my fingers.
Bella: Ok! Ok! I ran back trying to find the kitchen and soon enough I did in a few minutes. I tried looking for the tea, it was really hard to find it but I eventually did. I grabbed it and made tea and came back to the room before.
Lilac: There you are! Took you long enough!!
Thorn: We should plan for the next attack!
Lilac: But we just did one for today don't you think that's enough?
Thorn: Aaaa Fine!!
Bella: Um here! I handed them the tea. They just grabbed the tea without saying thank you, that's pretty rude. I basically rushed to get this to you and how do you repay me by doing nothing! I'm mad! They didn't even ask my name too!!!

Thorn: hey you! Go take her to the cell!
Lilac: Ya!!!
Bella: Fantastic!! <_< The person grabbed my arm again which hurt a lot more because of picking up the tea. The person just throw me into the cell and slammed the door shut and also locked it too. The person just walked away. When the person pushed me I landed on my knees. I just looked down at the hard floor, there's no bed, no windows, no bathroom, no anything for that matter!! Just me..... I walked to the corner of the cell and sat there with my legs up covering my face in a sitting position. I-I Don't want to be here! I started to cry, I wish I was back at Cherry Blossom. People at least respect me there. Oh Molly, Molly you better find some help so I can leave this awful place. I miss being with my friends, Wait a second isn't Kyle supposed to be my guard? Then where is he? Well it's fine I guess the only thing to do is
One: Wait for someone to come
Two: Escape and runaway
I honestly just want to leave but, I want to know why the Peace Breaker was involved before I actually leave. You know? I want to now if they know something about it even though there werewolves. I felt bad for that kid, what trouble parents. No wonder he just up and left. But why could this happen to me! It was probably the wolf pack from before..... I- yawned, Well night! I wiped the tears off my face and just close my eyes and slept in the sitting position I'm in. I wish I was ready for this, maybe I should have trained before the festival but that didn't happen. How am I going to run away when I can't even fight yet!? Well I'll just have to wait and seen till  tomorrow

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