Chapter 12- Building the village, one step at a time

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*The next morning*
((Bella's Pov))
Is it morning already? I hear a loud Bang sound, looks like the builders are here. I yawn, I should get up, I rubbed my eyes and get out of bed. I feel much better from before, I guess I just fought a little cold. I should go say thank you to Blossom for taking care of me. I walked to the shower and did my hair and put my dress on. I put my hair up in a ponytail and also put my blue bow on. The dress I was wearing today was my blue dress. I went to go head downstairs and just before I left my room Molly looked up at me. I said Yessss, Molly you can come too. She wagged her tail a mile a minute and she barked at me too. I pat her on the head. Me and Molly walked downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed some yogurt because I'm lazy today! I sat down and gave Molly some treats too, After we both finished breakfast we both went outside to see if Blossom was there. I usually see her by now but I guess she's busy or just sleeping in.

Me and Molly walked outside to see Blossom and Stan talking to the builders, they were by the cherry blossom tree. We both walked down the hill, once we were by Blossom and Stan I said hi! Blossom said oh good morning, I'm just talking with Stan and the builders.
Bella: oh ok, soo what are they going now?
Blossom: Well me and Stan both agreed to make more houses for the village. So that what there doing, I believe there making like 6 to 8 houses. Of course they'll be staying here for a few days but it's worth it. We need this.
Bella: Cool! Can I do anything for you Blossom?
Blossom: No I'm good, you can go do what ever you want for today! Also I'm glad your better.
Bella: thank you. I'll just be going now. Bye! They both waved, it was weird that Stan didn't talk to me. I thought he would or even like a hi but at lass he didn't. But I don't really mind that much, since the only thing he's done is been rude to me.

I decided to just brush it off. I went to go see Kyle and Jay. I'm glad Molly's with me today. I walked to the guard station and knocked on the door. Jay answered it, he said Hey! I said Hey back. He moved to the side to make room for me to walk in. He closed the door behind me.
Jay: So what's up? I'm guessing your better, right?!
Bella: Nothing much just been sick, I'm better now which is good.
Jay: that's great! So did you see Blossom yet?
Bella: ya I did! So did you ever ask Kyle, Stan or Blossom one becoming a guard yet? Isn't that something you said?!
Jay: Ya I did say that! Also ya I've talked to Blossom about it and she said it great, and now I'm a guard also!
Bella: That's great! I smiled and hug him.
Jay: I hugged Bella back. We both let each other go and I said Bella do you want to go talk to Kyle now, sorry if I was bothering you!!
Bella: No your not bothering me! I'm just here to catch up with with you guys , I actually have that day off today.
Jay: Well ok, Kyle should be upstairs if you want to talk to him.
Bella: Ok, I'll go upstairs I guess. It didn't really matter if I talked to Kyle or not, i don't even have too. But Jay seem he didn't have anything else to say to me so I just left.

I went to go upstairs, there were 4 doors. I didn't know which door to knock on so I just picked the door on the right. I knocked again and Kyle opened the door. I said hey. Kyle said Hey.
Kyle: Hey, so your better I'm assuming?
Bella: ya I am.
Kyle: so what up?
Bella: Nothing much, I just talked to Jay a second ago and Blossom and Stan.
Kyle: What did they say?
Bella: Blossom and Stan are taking to the builders and Jay is just chilling downstairs, he didn't really have anything to say.
Kyle: That's cool, do you want to come in?
Bella: Sure. We both walked into Kyle's room, I sat on the floor. Kyle also sat on the floor too, I stared at him he also stared back. It was kind of awkward for a few minutes and then I said hey so Kyle. Can I ask you somethings, so I can get to know you more?!
Kyle: Sure!
Bella: So first thing is what's your favorite color?
Kyle: blue, what about you?
Bella: minds blue too! Next question is what made you decided to become a guard?
Kyle: Well my dad ((John)) is a guard at Lovely hills, so when I was little I wanted to become just like him. My Dad was so brave, kind, and also help other in need. So since I was 5 I was training with my dad to become a guard. It's also a tradition in my family to become a guard like my great, great, great, great grandfather was a guard too. So ya, that's your answer.
Bella: Cool! I wish I know how to fight but I don't know how too. My dad and mom never teach me how to, I looked down no looking at Kyle anymore.
Kyle: Well maybe I can yeah you! I'm your guard of course, I blushed a little thinking of what I just said. Really "I'm your guard of course" aaaa! stupid stupid, that just makes me sound like I'm just her guard, but I'm her friend also. Wait ARE WE FRIENDS?!??! I said out loud! I just turn around not looking at Bella.

Bella: Kyle, we are friends. I would think since you helped me in the forest a few days ago, we would be friends.
Kyle: I just stay quiet..... just looking at my window with an uncomfortable look on my face.
Bella: Kyle are you ok?
Kyle: I-I I'm fine, don't worry about me.
Bella: Kyle are you sure your ok? Kyle I'm your friend, you can tell me anything. It's ok if you don't want to, I understand.
((Kyle's Pov))
I'm fine really I said, I just don't want you to get hurt or anything... I whispered so she couldn't hear the last part. Bella looked at me, she seemed confused but she saw me feel uncomfortable taking about it. She said ok, and just stood up. She said she's going to leave now. I said ok, bye. She said bye back and left my room. I truly feel stupid saying that out loud, I mean of course we're friends......
((Bella's Pov))
I guess Kyle felt uncomfortable talking to me but it's ok. I respect it, if he doesn't want to talk about it than I wouldn't force him too. I left Kyle's room and said bye! I walked downstairs and left the guard station to Blossom's house. I walked back with Molly, she was With Jay when I was taking to Kyle. I opened the door, it was unlocked. I headed up stairs and just jumped on my bed. I just look outside to the sunset. It looked so beautiful and pretty. It looks like Light is actually looking over the world. She just lights up the sky with a sunrise and sunset every day. It makes me think that theres actually peace in the world. That Darkness will finally be stopped once and for all. When looking what Light has given us on this beautiful day, I drift off to sleep closing my eyes very slowly, feeling safe in her hands. I'm Hoping some day, Someone will bring peace again..

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