Chapter 38- One simple task

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                       ((Foxy's POV))
After walking a few minutes, we have finally arrived at the camp site. Cloud has join the EX-Knights and we are one step closer to taking down the Elements of Light for good this time. It feels great to know that we are going to win the war!!
Cloud: Can you now tell me who your "Boss" is?
Xantha: Of course!! Foxy would you like to do the honors on tell little Cloud who our Boss is.
Foxy: I smile and look at Cloud, Our "Boss" is Dark!!
Cloud: Are you serious?!
Foxy: Yup that's right?! Isn't He amazing?!
Cloud: N-0 yes!! Yes he is!! He's the most amazing ruler ever!!
Foxy: What did you just say? I thought I heard you stutter!!
Cloud: No I didn't stutter!!
Xantha: Maybe when we get you there, I'll take Cloud to meet the others. What do you think Foxy?
Foxy: Sure, besides I still have to talk to Dark about something anyway.
Cloud: Is it that cave over there?
Foxy: Oh ya that's it!!

Xantha: We have arrived at our camp site. On the outside it looks normal but in the inside it's more welcoming than the outside. I mean we have to keep it hidden from the Elements of Light so it's not going to be beautiful. All three of us go inside the cave where Dark and the others are there.
Dark: Your back, and with what I wanted!! How wonderful, I smile creepily at the werewolf. Who's this Xantha? Is this the "Earth Creator?"
Xantha: Indeed he is my Lord, the one and only "Earth Creator."
Dark: What is your name my child? I look at his red eyes, looks like Xantha did her job.
Cloud: I look at Dark's red eyes. Cloud Lawrence, my lord.
Dark: Haha!! Wonderful, make your self at home dear Cloud. You'll be staying here for awhile. Come, I rap my arm around Cloud's shoulder. We walk to my others.

Dark: Foxy I'll talk to you later, Xantha you may go now.
Xantha: Yes my lord, I leave and go somewhere else in the cave.
Foxy: Ok my lord, I go do something else and wait for Dark to be done with Cloud.
Cloud: There's three other people standing right in front of me. One has purple hair with a yellow coat on. The other one has blonde hair and red eyes. The last one has brown hair and light blue eyes.
Violet: Hi Cloud, I'm Violet!!
Zack: Hey Cloud, I'm Zack....
Jack: I stare at Cloud, he's a werewolf uh. I leave my hand out, Nice to meet you I'm Jack.
Cloud: I shake Jack's hand, his hands are so cold. I pull my hands anyway quickly.
Jack: Huh oh, sorry about that. My hands are usually cold like that due to me having Frost powers.
Dark: Jack don't tell him that, he might still be uneasy with the spell.
Cloud: Wait What?! I laugh, your joking right?
Dark: Oh he thinks I'm joking good, I'm glad he doesn't remember what happen with Xantha and Foxy. Ya I'm just joking, I laugh!!
Violet: So what do you remember Cloud, anything important?
Cloud: All I remember is seeing Xantha and Foxy in the forest and talking to them. Then I'm walking with them to the cave and that's it.
Violet: Well then why don't you hangout with us, while Dark and Foxy can talk.
Cloud: Ok sure. I go and talk to Violet, Jack, and Zack somewhere else in the cave.

Foxy: Are you ready now my lord?
Dark: Yes I am, now Foxy my dear you and Xantha have done an amazing job but we need to talk.
Foxy: Is there something wrong Dark?
Dark: Yes, I need you to keep an eye out for little Cloud over there. He has a suspicious look on his face and I don't like it. Do me a favor, if he does anything drastic then show him what happens if he messes with the Ex Knights why don't ya.
Foxy: I laugh minimally, Yes in deed dear I'll do that for sure!! You have my word.
Dark: Good, good I'm glad you can understand. I stroke Foxy's hair.
Foxy: Dark I-
Dark: I whipper in her ear, we can also be together forever if you'll like. Just me and you ruling the world together.
Foxy: I would like that very much.
Dark: Then do this task and you'll be by my side.
Foxy: Are you saying, I'll be your Queen of Darkness if I do your task.
Dark: Yes my dear, just do as I ask.
Foxy: we stop whispering and look at each other. He then walks away from me, and then turns around and gives me a look of confidence.

* play music *
Dark: If I had the money, let me tell you how it'd be. I'd take over the country!! Everyone would bow to me!! Sit up in my place and baby you would be my Queen. We'll run and ship together, just you wait and see!! We'll be royalty!

Foxy: We'll be royalty?!

Dark: I know, I know, I know. I know we broke right now girl, I guarantee that I'mma work this out.

Foxy: Yeah?

Dark: See I got this plan, are you in our out I need to understand. Trips to Rio, Five Star meal. Girl, don't quit on me no. If I gotta beg or steal, no big deal. Oh, let me break it down.

If I had the money, let me tell you how it'd be. I'd take over the country!!Everyone would bow to me!! Sit up in my place and baby you would be my Queen. We'll run and ship together, just you wait and see!! We'll be royalty!

Foxy: Oh, uh, uh, oh? X3

Dark: We'll be royalty!! X3

Dark: So would you cover me, If I gotta take out any enemy?

Foxy: Yeah!! :3

Dark: Cuz it might get ugly, many things that you don't wanna see or hear. You bout to party with stars, Fancy cars. Girl, don't quit on me now. If I gotta rob or steal, no big deal. This is how we going on.

If I had the money, let me tell you how it'd be. I'd take over the country!! Everyone would bow to me!! Sit up in my place and baby you would be my Queen. We'll run and ship together, just you wait and see!! We'll be royalty!

And I'll be the King, baby. We'll be sitting on a throne!!

Foxy: We'll be sitting on a throne?!

Dark: You and me, All alone!! Ain't no stopping us now, Hey! We'll be royalty!
So who'd you trust? Girl, it's rude or die.

Foxy: We'll be royalty??

Dark: So pack your stuff, let's take this to the sky. We'll be royalty!! So who'd you trust? Girl, it's rude or die. We'll be royalty!! So pack your stuff, let's take this to the sky!!

Foxy: We'll be royalty...

Dark: Yes Foxy we will be, just as long as you keep your end of the bargain. Now go and rest up while I go talk to the others.
Foxy: Yes my lord, I go walk away from Dark and start heading to my room so I can get some sleep.

Dark: Jack, Violet, Zack come hear please. Oh you to Cloud!!
Everybody: Yes my lord?!
Dark: Jack, Violet and Zack I'm going to give you a mission to do tomorrow. Your going to be going a favor for me.
Violet: What about Xantha, Foxy and Cloud?
Dark: Xantha will be coming with you as well. But for Foxy and Cloud I have something else for them to do.
Zack: So what are we going to do anyway?
Dark: You'll just have to wait till tomorrow.
Cloud: Can you tell any of us what we're doing tomorrow or what?!
Dark: Now that would ruin the fun!!
Jack: It's already night we should probably get to bed.
Violet: Agreed!! *yawns*
Zack: So who's taking first shift Dark?
Dark: Umm? Cloud you'll do first shift.
Cloud: Why am I doing first shift? I just came here a few minutes ago.
Dark: Will if your loyal enough then you'll do first shift for us.
Cloud: Yes my lord...

Everyone else goes to bed except for me. I walk to the entrance to the cave and keep watch. I sit on the grounding  just stare into the forest. I just wait there.... staring at a black abyss filled with nothingness. Oh, what would Dark be like in the darkest time of hour? Who's the better side... Light or Dark? Who should I trust is a different story, but the most important thing is who should I care for the most in my life? Who is the most important person in my life? Well... for me it's Be-NOBODY! Ugh, stupid head!! It hurts to much. Nobody cares for me.... nobody ever cared for me. Theses thoughts in my head keep telling me I belong here but do I? I think I was going to do something but I didn't make it. It's to hard to remember, it's all to fuzzy. Ugh!! Whatever I'm just going to *yawns* keep patrol for the night... ya. Keep patrol for anyone or anything that comes in my way. Ya!! I shake my head, Just stay awake Cloud!! That's all you have to do.... is stay awake.

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