Chapter 39- Potion Trade

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                             ((Violet's POV))
Jack: Violet? Violet?!
Violet: mm.... 10 more minutes
Jack: Violet wake up!! I slap her face.
Violet: Hey!! I get up and slap his face back. What was that for?!
Jack: Ow!! Violet don't you remember we have a favor to do for Dark today?Now get up or we're going to leave you here alone.
Violet: Ok ok I'm getting up!!
Jack: Good, I better not see you get into bed again or I'll slap you a second time. I'll be in the kitchen if you want me.
Violet: Ok Thanks!! I rub my eyes and cheeks. Wow Jack has some hard slaps!! Then Jack leaves my room and goes to the kitchen. I get ready for today and get dressed. I put my black shirt on and then my yellow and white star jacket on over it. Then my light green pants and my black shoes on. I grab my brush and brush my hair. I go into the kitchen where Jack, Zack and Xantha were. I said hello to them.
Xantha: Good morning sleepy head!! I laugh.
Violet: Hey, Can't a girl get some sleep once in awhile.
Xantha: Well not if your sleeping the whole day.
Zack: She has a point you know, we can't wait for you if we all have something to do today. It even might take the whole day for us to complete this.
Jack: Now eat up and we'll go after your done eating.
Violet: Aren't you guys going to eat as well?
Zack: We already ate while you were sleeping.
Violet: Oh, I see. You guys can go get ready then I'll just eat breakfast quick then we can go.

I ate my breakfast which was eggs with bacon. I had a drink of orange juice and then we all left the cave. Where are we going anyway?
Xantha: Well when you were sleeping Dark told us we are going to a village called Werecat~Palace.
Violet: Werecat~Palace? Why are we going there?!
Xantha: Apparently the Lord there has some kind of new potion they want to trade with us.
Violet: A potion are you serious? We came here for a potion?!!
Jack: Ya I said the same thing when Xantha told me but if it's what Dark wants then we have to go get it. Even if it's just for a silly potion trade!!
Violet: What kind of potion is it anyway?
Zack: It's some kind of smoke explosion potion?!
Violet: A smoke explosion potion? Don't you think it's kinda strange?!
Zack: It's really strange because I never heard of it before.
Jack: Ya Same, the lord said they would trade our healing potions for this smoke explosion potion.
Violet: Did you guys bring the healing potions then?
Xantha: Ya I got them, there in my bag see.
Violet: Xantha opens her bag and points out the healing potions which have a green like color to them. She then closes the bag and puts the bag on her back.

Do you guys know what Foxy and Cloud are going?
Xantha: I think Foxy and Cloud are visiting that village called Cherry Blossom again.
Violet: Do you know what there doing there?
Xantha: I have no idea, Dark wouldn't tell me.
Violet: Oh, well did you guys shift watch last night.
Jack: Ya we did but Cloud slept on his shift. You think he's trustworthy?
Violet: I think so... what about you guys?
Jack: After yesterday night I don't really know if he is.
Xantha: I don't think he is, besides he slept for his shift!! How do you expect to be a good Ex-Knight if you don't look out for each other. Besides I think I heard him stutter when I was done reforming him to be on our side.
Zack: Really?
Xantha: Ya, it's something he said that was weird to me.
Zack: Like What?!
Xantha: He said "I would never hurt her." Would the "her" refer to Bella?
Violet: Maybe?! What about you Zack?
Zack: Oh me, Well from what Xantha just said and the fact that Cloud just join us yesterday I don't trust him yet.
Violet: That's makes sense in a way.
Zack: Violet, why would you trust Cloud anyway?
Violet: I mean he just join us, so why not give him a chance to show his worth.
Zack: I still think he's up to something.

Violet: We keep talking and walking until we reached Werecat~Palace.
Xantha: And we're here, this is the place.
Jack: Are you sure this is the village? It looks kind of small.
Xantha: Positive, let's go ask the guards if we can go in.
Zack: Why can't we just break in?!
Xantha: Because we wouldn't want to draw attention to us. Besides the Lord is expecting us so why would we break in anyway?
Zack: Ugh, fine let's go then.
Xantha: We go to the guard in the front of the gate to the village. The guard had armor on so I couldn't tell what his face looked like. But he had werecat ears and a tail so he must be from another here. Um, excuse me? I say.

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