Chapter 29- Love Angel?!

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((Bella's POV))
Today was still Valentine's Day, which didn't seem all that mad while I was still here with Cloud. After what just happened I don't even know if I "love" Kyle. Or anyone else, I love my family yes but other than that. I'm still sitting next to Cloud, kinda feel bad he gets lonely. He still also has his arm around me. Feels nice to know I have people who care about me. I look at Cloud, he's looking at something else. But what is it?

Something is moving in the bushes, I hear someone coming maybe? Cloud looks at me right away and grabs my hand. He gets up and starts running, I do as well since he has my hand.
Bella: Where are we going? Is something wrong? Cloud?!
Cloud: Sorry!! I just don't want people to know I'm here, also if someone catches me I might even not be able to visit and spend time with you.
Bella: Right! We slowly stop running and start walking instead, he's holding my hands. We interlock fingers, I'm holding his and the same follows for him. We stop in the forest, we are not that close to Cherry Blossom so Cloud should be ok for now. He looks at me,
Cloud: Bella, I have to tell you something and you promise not to tell a soul.
Bella: Promise!!
Cloud: Ok well.. You know the wolf pack who kidnapped you?!
Bella: Yes?..
Cloud: Well that was my old wolf pack, Lilac and Thorn are my parents too. The Wolf Pack's name is The Night Watchers!! I'm the Alpha's son, I'm the Alpha prince... I'm sorry for not telling you sooner!! I just needed to trust you first before I told you. I do trust you Bella, with this information.
Bella: Cloud, I don't know what to say. I'm glad you told me though, I smile at him. I hug him, he does too. He let go of my hands and then we let go. he looks at me again.

I look at him, he starts to move closer to me. He comes even close to my face I start to blush like a tomato. His lips goes on mine, he was kissing me!! That was my first ever kiss?! I-I don't know what to think!! I'm very surprised by this, but I decided to close my eyes and kiss him back?! We than stoped and he said " Bella, I Love you."
He moved my hair over my ear, I blush. Cloud?! I say.
Cloud: Heh, sorry I came out to strong there. But I do love you very much, just know that I care for you. It's ok if you don't love me back, I'll still be your friend. I'll always be here for you Bella. You have been the kindest person every and I'm very grateful for you. You gave me a second chance and I appreciate that a lot. Unlike my parents or the other werewolves in that pack. So thank you Bella, for being the person that gave me a chance.
Bella: Y-Your welcome Cloud...

I should probably be heading back now, I wish I could stay longer but-
Cloud: No, it's ok I get it. Just go before anyone finds out ok?
Bella: Ok?! I hug him and head back to the party. Everything seemed find excepted for Lily. She's all overly excited at Kyle, she's running and jumping around him. He's just standing there yelling at her to stop. I wish my sister was here. I smile at them and head towards them. Hey Lily, Hey Kyle.
Kyle: Hey Bella...
Lily: Hey Bella?!
Bella: Is something wrong? I just noticed you yelling at Kyle and Kyle doing the same to you.
Kyle: We are fine, just a sibling fight.
Lily: Just a fight, Kyle this is exciting aren't you excited!! You and Bella were so cute dancing together!! And Bella said Yes!! "I'm so happy for you, I'm so proud of you, You have a special someone in your life, why can't you see I want the best for you Kyle!!"
Kyle: L-Lily...
Lily: What?!
Bella: Lily, Your your-

Wow!! I say, I look at Lily. A Holder who makes two people fall in love with each other. A person who wants a person to have a special some one... It makes all sense now!! Lily!! I grab her hand and close my eyes. Feeling my powers come back to me, I get
my wings and I hold her hand tightly.
Lily: Bella? W-What's going on?!
Bella: I open my eyes, Lily...

Lily, I have to tell you something. It might sound crazy but it's true.
Lily: Yes Bella?!
Lily, the person who makes two people fall in Love with each other, a person who is kind, sweet, and loves her brother dearly. Who wanted nothing more than her brother to have a special someone in his life. I, Bella the Peace Breaker have found the rightful owner for the Love Angel. You Lily are the Love Angel. I keeping holding her hand and breams of Pinks and red surrounds Lily. Then a big spark of pinks and red come up and then they fade away revealing, Lily with wings like mind and a halo over her head.

Lily: Wait!! I-I'm the Love Angel?
Bella: Yes you are Lily, indeed you are. I smile and let go of her heads then hug her.
Lily: But why me? I don't deserve this Bella?!
Bella: Yes you do, you are the rightful owner. Even if it doesn't seem like it now, it's true. Lily, you are one of my best friends and I trust you very much with theses powers. It's only right that I found you. It makes so much sense  now and I couldn't believe I haven't figured it out sooner but Lily you are the Love Angel.
Lily: Heh! I guess your right Bella... I do love my brother dearly and want the best for him.
Bella: That's the Lily I know and love!! I let her go of our hug.
Lily: I just can't believe it!!
Bella: You'll get use to it!
Kyle: Lily!! Oh my Light!! What will Mom and Dad say, what will they think?!
Lily: Kyle calm down, I'm sure Mom and Dad will be proud of me and probably find with it.
Kyle: But, Remember What the legend said " The Peace Breaker will bring back Peace and will finish Dark once and for all."
Lily: I look at Bella with a worried look on my face.
Bella: We got this, We will just have to train together then. Don't give up on Hope!! Stay strong!! Look at the brighter side of things Lily, what if we really do finish Dark. Then we will have Peace again like the older times before the war.
Lily: I guess your right.
Bella: Exactly!!

Then we all hear some screaming from a distance, every second goes past and it keeps coming closer. Apparently the screaming was Charlotte from a distance, I guess she saw the links and red sparks flying everywhere.
Charlotte: Oh my Light!!! Bella you found the holder for the Love Angel! 
Lily!! Ahhh!! This means!!
Lily: Um, Means what?
Bella: Lily, I laugh
Lily: What is it?!
Charlotte: RESEARCH!! Ahhhh!!!
Kyle: You like research I suppose
Bella: Yup, sure does. She's been helping me with research about the holders and the war.
Lily: Oh, really that's cool!! I didn't know Charlotte is a scholar.
Charlotte: I guess you can say that I am, but I'm mostly a witch than a scholar.
Bella: Well, why can't you do both then. Be a scholar-witch? Witch-scholar?
Kyle: I'm sure it doesn't matter as along as she does what she wants to do.
Charlotte: Thank you Kyle!
Kyle: No problem

Blossom: Well Bella you out done yourself, finding Lily as the Love Angel and all.
Bella: Oh, ya I took some time but I did it.
Lily: Only 4 more holders to go!!
Bella: Wait how did you know there's only 4 more?!
Lily: Well there's Peace, Love, Wind, Earth, Time and Water. So counting me and you that would be 4 we have to find together of course.
Bella: Oh, Well I guess you have a point there since there are legends about the Elements or Light of course.
Charlotte: Well ya B!!
Bella: Hey!!
Kyle: Don't you think we should retire for the night.
Blossom: Good thinking Kyle, we probably should it's getting late.
Stan: Agreed!
Misty: Same...

Blossom: Ok everyone looks like the party is over!! Looks like Cupid actually didn't come after all then.... Interesting.
Stan: Did you say something?
Blossom: What, Oh it's nothing!! I'll see you tomorrow. I have to clean this up actually so you go one ahead.
Stan: What!! No way I'll help you.
Blossom: Heh?! Really no worries I smile at Stan.
Stan: Blossom smiles at me and I smile back, I wish we could be together and let people know we're together but of course she's a Lord. Lords usually marry someone from royal blood, besides people would indeed treat us differently since I'm a guard and she's a lord. I help Blossom our after the party.

Bella: I go leave after Blossom announced the party is over. Molly is with me of course, she runs to the house in front of me just particularly rushing to get inside. I say goodnight to everyone and went the Blossom's house inside. I lay on my bed and fall asleep like a light. So fast it was like a lighting strike hit a tree to the ground. I forgot to read in the Ocean of Journals for today but it's ok I'll do it tomorrow or something like that. Wow! What a really magical, strange day today. I sigh, Cloud kiss me and confessed his feeling but so did Kyle. Except Kyle didn't kiss me, but he did dance with me at the party. Ugh!! Why must I be in like a love triangle on Valentine's Day!! Why me!! Why?.... Why must fate put me in this position. Fate, can you change your fate? From the legends long ago you couldn't change fate even if you tried. Fate happens, but can you change fate for the better or for the worst to come. Maybe fate can make you happy but also will make you sad. Is it true that Fate is fate and it's a story that can't ever be rewritten. No, that's not true we can change. Maybe not fate but you can change as a person. Can your story for then be better. Tomorrow starts a new day for all of us. May Light shine on the beautiful day tomorrow to come. Thank you Light for what you have done to help this people. I promise I will protect theses people as you once did before. I promise....

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