Chatper 6- Starting progress

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                       ((Bella's POV))
*The next morning*
Bella? A voice said, Bella?
Bella: hello? What do you want?! I was in a white room, it was very bright and out from the distance a blue butterfly flew by me and said something to me. It said "You will be the peace to the light and darkness, you will finish what had started, You will see....."
Can I ask you---- as soon as I was going to finish my sentence the blue butterfly flew away into the bright light. I wanted to ask the butterfly what it meant, was it important to remember. I'm confused,what did it mean by the peace to light and darkness? Wait why am I standing here for? Wait! wait up butterfly! I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I felt a person pushing me and yelling my name out.

Lily: Bella!!!! Wake up!!! breakfast is ready!!
Bella: mmm what? Was that all a dream, it probably wasn't real right? Was the butterfly trying to say something important to me for the future? I'm probably just over reacting, it was a dream for sir!!
Lily: Bella?! Wake up! You now what more breakfast for me!!
Bella: I yawned and stretched, I said Lily? What's going on? Are you ok?
Lily: I'm fine Bella, I just wanted to wake you up for breakfast.
Bella: oh! Ummm I see, let's go downstairs for breakfast then?
Lily: Sure! Let's go!
Bella: we went downstairs to see Hope making blueberry muffins with tea on the side. It smelled so good, we both sat down and had blueberry muffins with tea. I asked where was Kyle and John and Hope said Kyle is doing something with his father today. But I thought we were supposed to go see the lord of this village, well I guess it's ok. He's spending time with his dad so I shouldn't really be mad at him. He probably misses all of them so much.

Hope: well since Kyle is busy, why don't you spend some time with Lily!
Lily: Bella why don't we do something together? I have something to show you!!
Bella: well ok let's go then? Wait where are we doing?
Lily: oh upstairs to my room, it's something I like to do as a hobby and I was thinking you might like it as well!
*We both walked upstairs to Lily's room and walked inside*
Lily pulled out a sewing machine and fabrics out. I looked at how much fabric she had and Oh My light she has a lot of it. She had tons of all different colors and patterns of fabrics, She opened her closet and she showed me all the dresses she made. I was amazed that she made so many.

Lily: I brought you here because I wanted to do something for you because your my brother's friend. My hobby is making dresses!! So I was thinking if you didn't mind , maybe I could make your a dress!! It's the least I could do for a friend.
Bella: No no you don't have too!
Lily: you don't even have to pay for it! It's on the house, because I can tell you are a sweet person.
She looked like she really wanted to do this for me, I felt like if I said no I would be mean to her so I said yes and she smiled at me and gave me a hug. Lily to tight! I can't breathe....
Lily: oh! Right sorry! I'm just excited I get to do this! Oh we have to pick a color for your? What's you're favorite color?
Bella: Blue!
Lily: oh I'm on it! It will be done by today! You will have a beautiful dress by the one and only!!!!
Bella: Lily you just really love making dress do you?
Lily: You now it! I winked at Bella, and she laughed back at me. I couldn't wait to make a dress for her, she seemed pretty nice. I just have this feeling we will become best friends.
Bella: Hey Lily? Can I ask you somethings? You know just to get to know you more as just Kyle's sister.
Lily: sure! I'll just me making your dress too.
Bella: ok first question! Who's older you or Kyle?
Lily: Kyle's older than me, I'm 16 years old and Kyle is 17 years old.
Bella: Really no way! I'm 16 too!
Lily: Cool!
Bella: what's with the daisy in your hair? Is it real or fake?
Lily: Well since my favorite flowers are daisy's I wanted to put a daisy in my hair, and also no its a fake flower. I would feel to bad if it was a real one.
* After about a few hours of talking to Lily, Lily finishes Bella's new dress*

Lily: I'm done! Do you want to try it on?
Bella: Sure I'll try it? I went in Lily's bathroom to put the new dress on. It was so beautiful, she did an amazing job on it! The dress was of course blue and had white on it also! It had sleeves that were blue which was really cool. The sleeves were see through which was cool. I came out of the bathroom and I saw Lily look at me with a big smile on her face. I think she was fangirling? X3
Lily: O my Light! Bella you look beautiful in this! I hope you like it?
Bella: Like it? I love it! Oh thank you so much for this!
Lily: No problem! I'm just glad you love it! Anything for a friend!?
Bella: Of course your my friend! I went to give her a hug and I said thank you one last time. I heard a knock on the door, who was it?
Lily: I'll get it! I opened the door to see Kyle! Kyle hey your back! I hugged him, is something wrong?
Kyle: No nothings wrong, I was just here to tell Bella that I'm ready to see the lord now.
Lily: Kyle you have to see Bella! I made her a dress and I couldn't help myself! She just looks so pretty!! X3
Bella: hey Kyle your ready? We can go now if your want?
Kyle: I looked at Bella to see her dress, she was wearing a blue dress on. I blushed a little..... I-I'm ready!
Bella: Ok let's go see the lord!
Lily: O my Light! I saw Kyle blushed a little and I screamed in the inside! This is the best day of my life! I get to meet a new person who is my age and knows Kyle, and I get to make a dress for her and and--

*Lily falls on the floor*

Bella: Lily? Are you ok?
Lily: I-I I'm fine...... You just go ahead with Kyle......
Bella: Ummm Ok Lily? I'll be back soon to check on you.
Kyle: Lily? Really! Let's go Bella.

*We both walked outside of the house, and walked to lords house*
Kyle knocked on the door and someone answered. It's was a man with dark brown hair and purple-blue eyes. Kyle spoke and said to the man, Hey Fred! I need to talk to you about something.

Fredrick: Hey Kyle! Here come inside and we will talk!
We both walked inside Fredrick's house, I was really cool! We both sat down at a table and Kyle spoke Fred, I need to talk to you about lord stuff.
Fredrick: Kyle before we talk about that, who's this?
Kyle: this is Bella, she just moved to Cherry Blossom and She's here to help me.
Bella: Hi! Nice to meet you Lord Fred?
Fredrick: Nice to meet you too Bella! Also yes I'm Fredrick the third but you can call me Fred.
Kyle: Anyway Blossom sent me here, to tell you if she can borrow money from you? Also if you can bring builders too that would be great.
Fredrick: How much money?
Kyle: As much as you want I guess?
Fredrick: How about three million?
Kyle: Ok sure!
Bella: wait what! That was easy enough! I guess he really is that generous.
Fredrick: it's a deal then! I'll give you three million and two builders. Tell Blossom that she'll me amazing as lord, for me?
Kyle: sure Fred anything for you!

*We both walked out of the house and waved goodbye to Fred and walked back to Kyle's parents house*
I knocked on the door, and John answered he said to come in. I walked to Lily's room upstairs and knocked, Lilly opened and said to come in.
Lily: Sooo how did it go?
Bella: it actually went good, Fred was really nice and it didn't take as long as I expected it to be. Are you ok by the way?
Lily: Oh! Ya I'm fine! Well that's Fred for ya! He's really generous and nice too. I'm actually not surprised.
Bella: well Lily I'm going into the bed now, Night!
Lily: Ok Bella, I'll go in the bed to its late. Night Bella! I shutoff my light. I really do hope Bella and Kyle get together! They seem so cute together!! But don't tell Bella or Kyle ok!?! Good I'm glad you understand!! Ya I'm talking to you reading the book, I can break the forth wall when ever I want!! Well Night!!

{{ 💙💙Author speaking, I just wanted to say thank you all for reading by book so far! It means a lot to me, so just thank you! Also Lily is just fangirling this whole chapter Lmao! XD Anyway hope you enjoyed it so far, also there will be more chapters and I mean a lot more to come!! 💙💙}}

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