Chapter 47- Earth Creator?!

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                             ((Bella's POV))
In the mysterious forest I still walk searching for him. In this forest there are many questions to be answered but those answers will only be relived when the time is right. I regret ever abandoning him but I have duties now more than ever. I wish things were different in this world. Maybe if people could just learn to accept each other for who they are, the world could have been a better place. Alas I should have been there for him and I admit that as much but now I know he is someone dear to me. This journey will take much to face but if it was the other way around I know he would do the same back.

Ever step I take I feel like the day is almost ending. The sky is as blue as the two moons above. Both of them are almost up into the sky and that is when I must retire. I must seek for shelter very soon. Although I decide to keep going a few more minutes. I feel like I'm getting closer, even though I have zero clue of where he might be I believe Light is truly guiding me. I still remember what she had said that night before, she said "Listen close my son of the west, For your destiny lies above." If that wasn't a sign that Light knew something was going to happen then maybe I'm just not cut out to be the Peace Breaker.

I put one foot in front of the other. Looking for something, for anything rather that would give me a sign. While Light guides me in the right direction.

Then there was a sound, it was something like a few mumbles from the right. So I headed towards the west and the few mumbles turn into people talking. I hid behind one of the trees to hear if there was any sign of Cloud. Although what were the chances I found something about him in the midst of millions living on Prisma today.

I take a peep just for a second and I couldn't believe what I had saw. There looked to be a camp site people had set up right beside a cave. In that cave their lies lots of food scattered everywhere with tables and chairs. They were even blankets, sleeping bags and maps. Possibly even plans for attacks on villages on those maps of there's. Although when you looked in front of that cave there was a camp fire already lit by the looks of it. There must have been someone living here by the looks of it.

Then I saw two men, one was a werewolf who was very beaten up by the looks of it. I couldn't get a full glimpse of their face but werewolf was tied behind the back. While the other man kept shouting at him to keep walking. They were walking out of the cave and by the camp fire. I was astonished to see what horrible things happened to this poor werewolf to get him into that much trouble. I then came a little closer towards both men to get a better look of them both. I couldn't believe my eyes, was this reality or fantasy. Oh Light, can someone just pinch me to wake me up from this horrible dream.

There he was, lying my the camp fire bruised and beaten up. Dirt and blood on his clothes and face. My lovely Cloud was turned into a toy of some mans scheme?! The other man quite older then his mid 20s was wearing purple armor. On this purple armor there were blood stains on the chest while his black cape glistened in the moon light. His eyes the same Cloud's red eyes of rage and don't get me started on the crown. He wears the crown a little crooked on the side of his head. While his snarky mischievous smile looked at a defeated werewolf.

???: You, Cloud Lawrence had just put yourself in the most dangerous situation of your entire life.
Cloud: Believe me Boss I've been in more dangerous situations than this.
???: Don't get me started you worthless werewolf, I'll have you killed in the upmost humiliating way possible. Now tell me one last time why you abandoned Foxy and your mission to get me the Peace Breaker?!
Cloud: Then why don't you kill me now your highness, or are you scared that your little minions are dead.

The old man walks up to Cloud and pulls up him shirt by his neck. He then has Cloud off the ground a few inches still tied up behind his back.
???: Don't test me you Earth Creator?! I know where your family lives and that includes the other Elements of Light holders too!!
Cloud: I then spit in his face, I'm no Earth Creator, Dark. Or should I say your highness God Darkness of the planet Prisma. Would that me better?

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