Chapter 25- A Day at the Bakery

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((Bella's POV))
I went to go meet up with Blossom at the bakery like she said earlier today. I still also had the book Charlotte gave to me. "Strange little book what secrets you hold, it's quite mysterious and curious to me what things you'll reveal to me, Will you ever help me with my quest?" I said to myself in a slim voice. I keep walking to the bakery, finally I was right in front of the place. It was a sweet little thing, it looked like something from an adorable doll set. I opened the door and look for Blossom. Mary came up to me again and said Oh Hello again! Are you Bella? Someone called Blossom was waiting for a Bella and is now sitting at one of the tables.
Bella: Oh yes! I'm Bella, I smiled at her
Mary: Oh great, Well you better go to Miss Blossom then, I'm sure you wouldn't want to keep her waiting!!
Bella: Ok well Thank you Mary, see you later maybe?
Mary: Ya sure! Bye!!
Bella: Bye!! I walks towards some people at their tables and give them there food and then leaves with it. She's a busy girl, I wonder if she has any employees because I don't see them helping her?! Maybe I should help her later? Bella! Your here for a reason and that's to talk with Blossom so why don't you find her!! I look around to see Blossom sitting at one of the tables. I sit down and say hi Blossom!!

Blossom: Oh Bella great your here!
Bella: Of course I am, So you wanted to talk about "stuff"
Blossom: Straight to the point I see.. Well if you most know I wanted you to know the pay for the job you are doing. Also I just wanted to catch up with my apprentice, I never really see you anymore and I was really busy this past few days. Besides I felt like we can have a chill lunch together too at the bakery.
Bella: oh I see, Sorry I just thought it was something more serious. I mean it's- Um?
Blossom: I laugh, Bella it's fine. No need to be formal with me, just treat me like one of your friends ok?
Bella: I laugh too, Ok!!
Blossom: So anything new with you?
Bella: Ya! Well the first thing is me being the Peace Breaker?! Kind of unexpected to say the least. I've got wings and can summon a bubble which is so awesome!!
Blossom: What No way?! I'm shocked that she just said that.
Bella: I know right!! I didn't believe it at first but then all the pieces fell in place.
Blossom: Oh cool...
Bella: So what about you?
Blossom: Well nothing much except finding people to stay, building new stuff like a shop for Lily and other buildings, talking to Stan more since there's new people here staying, just stuff like that really.
Bella: Oh wow your really busy then huh?
Blossom: Yup! That's what comes with being a lord good apprentice, I smiled at her.
Bella: Blossom smiles at me so I smile back. I hear a bunch of people yelling at Mary from the counter asking why isn't my food here yet I ordered it like a half an hour ago? I'm still waiting! Stuff like that kinda, I turn my head. Mary is in her maid outfit it's all covered in flour, she's running around with plates in her hands and a notebook plus a pen. She's taking orders left and right, running back behind the counter to the people who are yelling at her. I look at Blossom, she then looks at me with a proud smile on her face.
Blossom: Bella, you go on head. I'll just be waiting for her to take our orders until you come back. I would help but I think this is your time to shine Bella.
Bella: Thank you Blossom! I walk towards the crazy mob of people by the counter and confront Mary, I tapped her on the shoulder.

Bella: Mary?
Mary: Sorry Bella, I'm busy if you have something to say then say it!! I need to do theses orders quick and fast!!
Bella: Would you like some help? I saw you running around and it looks like you don't have any employees helping you so...
Mary: That would be great, thank you!! Here, I had her a piece of paper, a pen and maid outfit. Change into this in the back then when your done changing go and take orders for me! Thanks your the best!! I run in the back to get the food that people ordered.
Bella: Ok? Mary gave me the stuff and then left so I just changed in the bathroom that was there and took orders from people at the bakery.

The maid outfit was so cute!! I started walking to every table taking orders that Mary told me to do. I even kept track of them too. I have the list to Mary and she said Thank you!!
Mary: Finally after Bella gave me the list, some people started leaving with there orders and they didn't yell at me either. The bakery started becoming empty with people leaving left and right. I looked at Bella and said Thank you again for helping me. I'm going to go take theses orders to the people and I'll be with you and Blossom soon to take your orders as well. Also I need to talk with you after I'm done with my shift.
Bella: Ok, ya sure! I'll just be at the table with Blossom if you need me.
Mary: Alright, I better go then. I smile at her and walk towards the customers who ordered and gave them there food plus there drinks.

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