Chapter 4- Helping out

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                       ((Bella's POV))
*The Next Morning*
Yawn, I stretched in my bed. I was slowly opening my eyes open. Then I hear some loud knock on the door. I jumped right off the bed and said come in. It was Blossom.
Blossom: Morning Bella, I made breakfast for us downstairs. Sorry if I frightened you with the loud knocking.
Bella: It's ok Lor- I mean Blossom! Sooo Um what's for breakfast?
Blossom: Eggs and bacon
Bella: Cool, I'll be there in a sec ok?
Blossom: Ya sure take your time, I'll just be downstairs if you need anything.

*Blossom goes downstairs to eat breakfast*

I go to my bed to see Molly still asleep from Blossom. Awww she's still sleeping, well I better not wake her up right now. I go to the bathroom to take a shower. After I was done with that I put on my clothes which was, my turquoise dress that had a green ribbon around the waist and my green shoes to match. Also I couldn't forget my blue lucky bow, I put that on too along with my glasses. (Yes She's wears glasses XD sorry I didn't mention that!!!)
I went to go downstairs for breakfast. When I was at the kitchen, I smelled the eggs and bacon. It smelled sooo good!! I went to go grab a plate and I sat next to Blossom at the table.

Blossom: Hey Bella! How's the eggs and bacon?
Bella: O my Light! Blossom its amazing, you did a good job making them. Also thank you, for making breakfast for me.
Blossom: Well I'm glad you like it! Can I get you something else.
Bella: No no! I'm fine thank you tho. So is it ok if I ask you something?
Blossom: Ya sure! Go ahead!
Well I was thinking about what happened when I came here last night. You were arguing with Stan, something about money and people's attention??? What's that about?
Blossom: Well since this is a new village, people don't really Now Cherry blossom, I wanted to do something that caught people's attention. Like a festival or something else but of course we don't really have any builders and or any money. But Stan was right, we don't have money.............
I saw her frowning, I felt bad it's probably a touchy topic for her.
Bella: Hey! Um Why don't I help you!!! Yaaa!!! Maybe if we ask another village they can help with the money and you can maybe do the festival too.
Blossom smiled at me, I can tell that she actually liked my idea. I'm glad I could make her feel better.
Blossom: What's perfect Bella! You know what, I'm going to go and ask Kyle if he can go to another village. Maybe I'll let him go tomorrow.
Bella: Why don't I go ask Kyle now for you, well it's the least I can do for you because you made breakfast for me. I smiled at her. She smiled back.
Blossom: ok go ahead! Kyle should be at the guard station with Stan.
Bella: Ok bye! I opened the front door, and waved back at her and closed it behind me. Wow look at this place! It's beautiful be in top of this hill, seeing basically everything! I walked down the hill. I was down the hill and walked towards the Cherry blossom tree. I looked at it, I was thinking about how beautiful it was. Also thinking what's it's meaning in life, I wanted to ask Blossom why is it here, Did it mean something special to Blossom?? Did it have a special role in her life??? Aaaaa! To many questions! I'm getting off track. I started walking away from the Cherry Blossom tree and towards to the guard station. I knocked on the door to the guard station. Someone answer it, it was Kyle.

Kyle: Oh hi Bella what brings you here?
Bella: I'm actually here to talk to you! I have something to tell you.
Kyle: When Bella said she wanted to talk to me, I was worried, was it something bad? Hey Bella why don't you come in, we can talk inside.
Bella: Ya sure! We both walked inside and sat down at a table, I was in the guard station for the first time and couldn't believe how tiny it was, it felt cramped, like how can you even stand being in here for the day. Well I finally spoke to Kyle I said, Blossom umm wanted you to go to another village, it's help for financial wise. For the village of course. She was thinking you can go tomorrow maybe??
Kyle: Really? She wants be to go to another village?
Bella: Ummm ya?
Kyle: Ya sure, I'll go I have nothing better to do. I'll talk to Blossom later, to see what time I'm leaving. Hey Bella?
Bella: Ya????
Kyle: Would you like to come with me??
Bella: I was very surprised Kyle asked me to go, I only just met him yesterday. But I seem to trust him, since you now he got me out of the forest and all. He seems like a well trusted guy, well I mean Blossom did make him on of her guards in her village so she's trusts him too. I spoke and said, Sure I'll go with you, I'll just have to tell Blossom that I'm going too. Hopefully she doesn't mind me going since she only just met me.

I sat up and pulled in my chair, I'll see you later Kyle! I smiled at him and he smiled back too!! I left the guard station and went to Blossom's house on the hill. I opened the door and she answered. She invited me in and I told her that Kyle offered me to go with him, She said ya sure I don't mind, besides I think your a very kind and sweet girl. I said thank you and went to my room on the left. I opened my door and closed it behind me and said to Molly I'm going somewhere tomorrow!! Molly barked at me, I said she can stay here to keep an eye on things. Molly barked again but I think she understood. So after talking to everyone except Stan, I went into bed and shutoff my light and said night to Molly. Molly was sleeping on the floor tonight I guess :3 I laughed and finally fell asleep.

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