Chapter 27- Grand Opening

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                        ((Lily's POV))
Today is the day I'll get my shop finally open for business. I can't wait!! I'm so excited and pumped for this!! This is my dream, to have my own dress shop and sell/ make dresses to people around the world. Hopefully people will come to the opening today. I get out of bed and got ready for today. I went to eat breakfast and proceeded walking towards the guard station after breakfast. I have to check on my brother once in a while you know?! I knocked on the door. Hello? Is anyone there? I hear someone open the door, it was Stan. Oh, Hi Stan! Is Kyle here?!
Stan: Sorry he's not here right now. "He's with that "Bella" you call a friend... 😒"
Lily: Stan! I think your just pushing it by now, she deserves to be trusted for once. She even helped people around the village, maybe you should give her a chance.
Stan: Sure.... whatever.... I still don't trust her though. It's weird how Kyle finds her in the forest all alone and then Kyle then trusts her after a few hours and then brings her here. I mean Kyle is smart so I trust him just not Bella. Especially when Bella just shows up being that optimistic, helpful, person in the village.
Lily: "I whisper to myself because she's the main character duh." "Main characters are usually like that!"
Stan: What did you say?!
Lily: Heh? It's nothing. Wait I was to caught up with the moment and didn't realize.... Kyle and Bella are together?!!!! Sorry Stan got to go bye!! I ran like the speed of light and waved back at Stan.
Stan: Ok See ya later!

I run through the village trying to find Kyle and Bella but I couldn't see them. I was running to quickly and bumped into someone. Ow! Oh my Light I'm so sorry!! I wasn't looking where I was going!!
???: It's ok Lily! Really it was my fault!
Lily: I look to see who it was, it was Misty?!
Misty: Where are you heading to?
Lily: To see Kyle and Bella together, why?
Misty: You really love them as a couple don't ya? I laugh!
Lily: Hey! Ya I do because I want the best for my big brother!!
Misty: Aww how sweet, I stop laughing.
Lily: Wait Misty can I ask you something?
Misty: Sure!
Lily: Can you help me with something?
Misty: Depends on what it is? I look in an confused way.
Lily: Well, I was planning on helping my brother. With the Valentine's Day Party....
Misty: Oh I see, so you want me, to help you, with Kyle asking Bella.
Lily: I nodded in response, I hold my hands together. Oh! Oh! Please Misty!
Misty: What do I get then?
Lily: Anything!! Just please help me!!
Misty: I laugh, Fine!! Only because I have nothing better to do.
Lily: Yes!! Ok so should I tell you the plan then?
Misty: Might as well since Kyle and Bella are not here.
Lily: Ok so, I was planning one singing a song at the party to help Kyle get more confidence in telling Bella to dance with him!! What do you think?
Misty: I think it's a great plan. Let's do it!
Lily: Oh ya also, I'm having my grand opening today so don't forget to stop by if you can.
Misty: Ok I'll stop by, I have to go. See you later!
Lily: Bye!!

After bumping into Misty and telling her my plans, I went back to my shop to get things ready for the opening. Ok do I have the check list I made. Now to get started on this list.
Check List
1: Get all the dress in there right places
2: Put up the decorations
3: Put the food and drinks out
4: Also put the opening sign in the front of the shop!

Then after a few hours of doing all the things on the list, I finally put the opening sign up. People started to come in one by one. There was a lot of people here. Every seemed to enjoy the dress, and started talking which one was there favorites and why. It was really an amazing site to see. To see people enjoy the one thing I love and actually making people's days happier is amazing! I go behind the counter and help people pay for there dresses that I designed myself. I take there coins and give them there dresses. I even walked around to help some costumers out by picking out a dress they might like. It was like one of the best days of my life, well not the best day. The best day would see Kyle being with someone who he cares about and the other person caring for Kyle. That person I hoped for would be Bella, but who knows what will happen in the future. "Even if it's not Bella I hope it's someone who is  special, who is kind, who is sweet, who is respectful, who is responsible, who is adventurous, who is funny, who ever it is I hope it's a special person who cares for Kyle the way I do." The day was almost over, seems like the day flew by. I flip the open sign to close and just sit down for a minute. But then I hear a knock on the door. I say, Sorry we're closed for today? But then Kyle opens the door.
Kyle: Hey Lily!! I give her a hug, how was your first day?
Lily: It was good, nothing really happened.
Kyle: Want to go get dinner?
Lily: Sure! Where to?
Kyle: At the guard station, we're having some people over for dinner.
Lily: Why?
Kyle: I don't know, Stan wanted people over so I just went with it.
Lily: Oh! Ok then Let's go!!

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