Chapter 30- Puppy Play Date

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((Bella's POV))
Mmmm..... I don't want to get up!!
Molly: Bork!!
Bella: Ugh!! Fine, Let's go. Guess I'll have to get up eventually, Blossom will probably yell at me. I laugh, I swear she's like a mom to me!! I get up and look down at Molly, She really isn't she...
Molly: Bork Bork!
Bella: I smile at Molly, I'm going to go get ready now ok?!
Molly: Bork!!
Bella: What do you want to do today?
Molly: Bork?...
Bella: It's ok, we'll figure something out. Maybe we can visit Misty or something? Maybe Blossom.. never mind she's probably to busy to hangout with me. I'll be outside in a bit ok, you go on ahead.
Molly: Bork!!

((Molly's POV))
I go on ahead like Bella said, I ran down the stairs apparently Blossom left the front door open. That's weird it should be closed but I guess she was in a hurry but what exactly?
I start walking casually down the hill where the house was and end up by the cherry blossom tree. I walk around just sniffing as normal dogs do and get a scent on something that smells like....
I start following the scent, How is there a CAT in the village. I never met a CAT, actually no that's not true there was that one cat under the table a long time ago. Who was the owner again? Ahhh!! Never mind that I'm going to find this cat even if it takes me all day!! I keep sniffing it leads me to this shop, smells like sweets. I walk into the shop thing, there's a lot of people here. I look up to see Jay. I bark at him and he looks down.
Jay: Hey Molly!! Wait where's Bella?

Oh gosh!! He probably thinks Bella is in danger but she's not! What do I say?! I move my head horizontally and bark.
Jay: Oh I see, so what are you doing here? Oh! Right heh sorry kinda forgot you can't say anything.
I look at Jay with a scary look on my face trying to signal him to not make me mad. He looks at me scared.
Jay: Ahh, Sorry!!
I bark in response and leave the shop thing that smells like sweets. I try and see if I can pick up the scent of the cat, surely enough I can. The next stop the scent took me was a house. I went to the front door and put my nose on the door. I sniffed and it smelled like CAT!! Yes I found it and it only took me a few minutes that great!! I bark at the door to see if anyone was home but there was no one. After finding out no one was there I walk away from the house then a figure comes walking toward me.

Who could it be? I start walking towards it to meet me half way and I see IT!! IT was the CAT!! There was also nobody there with it. I look at it and sniff it. The cat sniffs my but!
Hey, Don't sniff my but!!
Patches: Eh!! Sorry but aren't you that dog from the festival thing.
Molly: Ya, and your that cat from the festival too.
Patches: Ya I am. Wait I just realized how can you communicate with me?!
Molly: Guess it's because we're both animals.
Patches: I guess... Wait this is my house why are you here?
Molly: I smelled your scent and followed it to here, I thought you were here. But I guess you were not home.
Patches: Why did you want to find me??
Molly: Just curious... Bella said she was going to get ready and said I can go outside so ya.
Patches: Oh, Bella? Is that girl you were walking besides from the festival your owner?
Molly: Ya she is, she's really great. She takes good care of me.
Patches: Well my owner gives me cakes!!
Molly: Isn't that not the health for you? Why not milk or something else?
Patches: Well excuse me missy?!! Actually Milk for cats isn't that healthy either, it's better to have water instead.
Molly: Oh... Sorry!
Patches: it's fine, hey I'm Patches Misty's cat. Nice to meet you!!
Molly: Right Sorry, I'm Molly Bella's dog. Nice meeting you too!! Hey want to hangout today, I have nothing to do today.
Patches: Sure, I have nothing to do today either!! We smile and walk around the place for a little bit.

                      ((Bella's POV))
Ok well I'm done getting ready. I have my hair put in a ponytail and have the book Charlotte gave me just in case I find her or Lily today and The Ocean of Journals of course. I go outside to try and find Molly, I look around for her. Blossom left the door open so I closed it for her. I see Molly in the distance. Molly!! I run to her and she stands there with another animal. After running I can clearly see it's Molly and Patches. Oh Molly I see you found Patches huh?!
Molly: Bork Bork
Patches: Meow Meow
Bella: I laugh, so guess your buddies now too. Molly and Patches, Best buddies forever!! Aww how cute!! I pet both of them, are you guys hanging out now?!
Patches: Meow
Molly: Bork!!
Molly wags her tail and barks at Bella.
Bella: Ok why don't we go find Misty so we can all hangout together then.
Patches: Purr Purr
Bella: Aww ok let's go see if she's at her house. We all go walk to the house but she's not there so we just hangout at the little garden near the shops in town. It's not exactly close but it's a distance away. It's a really cute place, nice and relaxing there. It has some flowers there and a pond. It's really amazing I would have come here sooner but just heard about it this morning. Anyway we stayed there for a bit, it's a relief that Molly can be around cats. Especially Patches that would have not been good if that went the wrong way.

It's really cute how they are just running around having fun while I'm here thinking about my life. What if they want an answer what do I do... Cloud...
What do I do?! What will I say only time will tell!!
Ahhh!!! No time for stuff like that, think about the task at hand, you "beating" and or "finishing Dark." For good... Then what happens?
Never mind, Guess this counts as a play date for Patches and Molly. To bad Misty isn't here to see it, Patches is her cat after all. But it's ok, I'm sure she doesn't mind Patches being with Me when she's doing something else today.
I'm like kitten... puppy sitting for her even tho I didn't say anything to her. Anyway I should probably write the two days I missed should I. Ok, what if I combined the two days into one to make it easier?! Ya I'll do that!

The past few days have been busy for me, first Lily's grand opening then Valentines Day it was just a lot for me. Especially Valentines Day! I honestly didn't want to go but in the end I got dragged anyway my Blossom and Misty. Well mostly Misty to be honest. When I got there it was a cute party at first but then things changed. Something changed, peoples feelings change including mine. Kyle asked me on dance at the party, I first was confused but I said yes anyway. He's actually a really great dancer. But then when I left the party I found Cloud in the woods. We talked for a little, I've kinda felt bad you know he basically has no one to trust. His parents and other wolf pack members were extremely rude to him for trusting and liking humans. Humans aren't bad but to humans werewolves are bad. I don't get why people hate them, I mean they are somewhat rude but NOT Cloud! He's different. I told him I was there and I will always will be. He did the same by confessing to me too. Then we kissed... I didn't no what to say. My first kiss!! I didn't tell him of course but I left. I should probably visit him more but who knows right?! He's probably busy... ya just busy... When I went back to the party something else happened. Or more like a new partner!! Lily is the new partner, she's the Love Angel!! This was not at all bad it was good. Lily's like my best and closest friend in the village. She even fits the role for Love Angel so it only seems right. That was everything from a few days ago but Today February 15th is a chill day. Got to see Molly find a new buddy they seem like there doing well. Patches and Molly are jut playing in the little garden near the shops of the village. But ya that basically it for now. Till next time!!

Finally I'm done with writing yesterday's and today's Journal entry's. I close the book and look for Molly and Patches there still playing and running around. I smile and say ok guys we should go. Misty is probably worried about Patches we should go now. Molly and Patches both run to me. I pet them both on there heads, Do you want me to take you home?
Patches: Meow
Ok great, I guess I'll just let you be then. Come one Molly let's go home. We walk to the house, wow what a wonderful day. Nothing really happened, which is fine. I like when you can just be relaxed for a day. May Light bring the next Day wonderful things for people in need. May Light help the ones who are hurt to peace. "Wait that's my job!" I laugh in response. Ok then Light, then just look out to people ok?!

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