Squirrel Appreciation Day

89 10 19

January 21

Squirrel Appreciation Day

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Ring ring ring

Incoming call from


Hey, Carolina.

You astound me.

In what way?

You manage to call every single day without fail, no matter how we ended the day before.

Consistency is key.

There's just one slight problem with that.

And what's that?

Yesterday's awkwardness remains.

Exactly. By talking to each other more, I'm hoping that it will go away.

Whatever lets you sleep at night.

Thank you.

And how will we diffuse the awkwardness today? Another wacky holiday?

Sure, why not?

You're in luck, 'cause today is Squirrel Appreciation Day.

"Appreciate" isn't exactly the right word.

Oh, so you're not on first name basis with squirrels?

Squirrels have first names?

Now they do. There's a squirrel outside my window that I shall christen "Pecan Tails".


His tail is fluffy.

I'm rechristening the squirrel "Fluffernutter".

*snort* Bloody brilliant.

Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley.


So I was sipping my morning coffee... Do you drink coffee?

I prefer tea.

Ah. Anyways, I was drinking my coffee when I realized I know nothing about your present self.

There's a lot to be known.

How about you start with your family? You being so close and all.

How much do you already know? I know you've been in contact with Virginia for a while.

Not much, actually. I do know that Dakota has a job as a physical trainer, and Georgia's taking self-defense classes.

Of all things to know, you know that?!

Word gets around.

Well, in that case, Dakota graduated from college with flying colors. She's training some not-so-famous tennis players right now. Georgia is in her final year of uni. She's a horticulture major and planning to be a landscaper.


Yep. And Virginia is a college sophomore. She's trying to become--

An idiot? Oh, wait. She doesn't require a college education to be one.

Hehe, no, she wants to be a mechanical engineer.

Ah. And what about you?

I graduated from high school early, actually.

Hey, I did, too!

That's awesome! I'm going to college in the fall and majoring in music composition and minoring in conducting.

Wait, you're into music?



Call ended

Okay then. I think she has anger issues.

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Cover by khalidvibes (sorry for the low resolution)

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