Proofreading Day

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March 8
Proofreading Day

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Bump thump bang

What is going on down there?!

Carolina stands at the top of the stairs, her hands on her hips and a thunderous expression on her face. She was busy going over the music for one of her songs when the ruckus disturbed her. Now that she is distracted and her train of thought has left the station, she knows she can't go back to composing. The only thing she can do now is to find the culprit. She scans the house, taking note of the cardboard boxes and spare parts scattered haphazardly across the floor. Finally, her eyes narrow in on a figure that seems to be struggling to get out the back door.

Danny, what, in the name of all things chocolate, are you doing?

Danny backs out of the door, a desk balancing on his hip. Sheepishly, he crouches down to set the desk on the floor, and he flexes his fingers as soon as it is out of his grasp.

Danny-boy, you know better than to carry something that heavy. And Mom's going to be mad if you scuffed up her walls...

It's a light desk!

It's a desk, point-blank.


Hey, why is the desk gray? I thought I ordered that in white.

The desk is white, but the lighting makes it look gray.

Hmph. Why didn't you just assemble it in the studio?

Because sometimes geniuses can be idiots.

Whatever you say, Einstein. Here, let me help you.

I'm fine.

I'm more worried about the desk. Move over so I can grab the other side.

Yes, ma'am. Your wish is my command, ma'am.

Thank you. One, two, three, heave— Omigosh, this is heavy.

Ma'am, I think I'm better off on my own.

You're right. I'll guide you.

Yes, ma'am. Of course, ma'am.

Stop with the ma'ams, would ya?

Yes, miss. Of course, miss.

Danny shuffles around until he's holding the desk flush against his body. While this is a more comfortable position than before, he can't see where he's going because the desk is in front of his face.

Just stop while you're ahead. Wait, no, keep walking.

You told me to stop!

I told you to shut your mouth.

You make no sense.

You, my dear, are completely, perfectly, and incandescently annoying.

That isn't even in the book!

Who cares?!


You know what you need to care about right now?

The fact that you just quoted from Pride & Prejudice... the movie.

No, the fact that you're going to run into the wall. Turn right.

Oh. Thanks.

Yep. Okay, go slow through the doorway. Right along the wall there, yeah? Wait, no, not that way. Hold on; let me help you.

You should work on your upper body strength.


This would be a whole lot easier if you did this yourself.

You think?! Set it down slowly. Perfect.

Oof, I cut off my circulation. My fingers are all tingly now.

It's your fault that you didn't assemble it in here.

Not even a "thank you"?

Carolina rolls her eyes at him before leaning over to him.

I guess a hug would work, too.

Danny leans in, too, arms spread wide for the embrace. However, Carolina's arm reaches over him, and she pats his head.

Aren't you such a good boy? Yes, you are! Yes, you are!

Danny calmly reaches up and pulls her hand away. He takes a deep breath in through his nose.

Correct me if I'm wrong: You just call me a dog.

I said no such thing.

It was implied.

Ah, see, that's where you're wrong. A "boy" is a young male specimen of the human species. Not once did I say anything having to do with dogs. You are good; you are a boy. Hence, you are a good boy.

That really backfired on me.

Yes. Yes, it did.

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My internet connection and I had an epic battle today, and I won.  Just wanted to put that out there lol

This is a double update, so keep reading!

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