Proposal Day

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March 20
Proposal Day

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Beep beep beep beep bee—

Carolina's hand slams down on the snooze button of her alarm clock. She lifts a groggy eye to check the time, hoping for a few extra minutes of sleep, and it takes a minute for the red numbers to register in her brain. When she realizes the clock reads 5:30am, her eyes fly open.

What the hay?!

Just as quickly, she narrows her eyes.

That son of a billiard table! Alright, where is he?

She scours the room before concluding he wasn't stupid enough to place himself in the line of fire. With a resigned groan, she throws off the covers and wraps her arms around herself to keep warm. She tiptoes through the hallway and down the stairs, careful to avoid the creaky step. The downstairs is dark, and she fumbles for the light switch when she reaches the bottom step.

When I get my hands him...

Someone's in a murderous mood.

She whirls around to find Danny lounging on the couch. He arches an eyebrow at her.

Came to watch the sunrise with me? It should be a nice one.

Why, you... You...


Yes, you, you blubbering idiot!

You're the one who's stuttering.

You're still the idiot!

What did I do this time?

What did you do? Do you know what time it is?

Not a clue. There aren't any clocks in your living room.

I don't give a pineapple whether there's a clock in here or not! It's earlier than the prehistoric era and you know that!

The prehistoric era wasn't that long ago, relatively.

You set my alarm clock two hours early. Two whole hours, Danny-boy.

What do you want me to do next time? Set it even earlier?


I didn't set your alarm, Carole. You did. Calm down and breathe.

She crossed her arms in a huff.

I'm not crazy enough to do something like that.

I beg to differ.

Carolina reaches over the couch to slap the back of his head.

Ow! I honestly think you suffer from memory loss before 10am.

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