Take a Chance Day

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April 23
Take a Chance Day

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I'm going to kill you.

Welcome back! I'm brewing some tea. What flavor would you like?

Could I have some Earl Grey with a side of your blood?

How about raspberry tea instead?

Too much artificial flavoring.

Eesh, someone's a purist.

This purist is going to be a cold-blooded murderer pretty soon.

Sit and drink.

Danny pushes a cup of tea across the counter to where Carolina stands fuming, her cheeks a bright shade of red.

You look very ticked off for someone so in love.

Shut up.

As you wish. Actually, Caleb's the one who should be telling you that.


Come up to my room. I want to hear the all details.

Why not my room?

I don't want Celia to eavesdrop on us. You cannot trust her with secrets.

Oh, I know.

Did she talk to you?

Yes, which reminds me... I'm going to kill you!

At least wait until we're behind closed doors.

Danny rushes up the stairs, tea in hand with Carolina close on his heels, and doesn't stop until they reach the attic where his and Cecilia's bedrooms are located. He puts a finger over his lips and listens in on Cecilia's room. He hears silence.


He turns the doorknob to his own room, pushes Carolina inside, and shuts the door behind him. Carolina looks around the room for the first time, and it's just like she expected: His twin bed is set against the wall. In one corner, there is a dresser topped with a large globe. A desk sits in another corner. Along the wall is a bookshelf with everything from old history textbooks to classic novels. Carolina notices that one book's spine is more crinkled than the rest, and she takes a closer look.

Around the World in 80 Days... Jules Verne.

I'm a sucker for the classics.

She eyes the books.

Yeah, I can tell.

Are you still going to kill me?


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