Sing Out Day

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May 25
ing Out Day

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Hey, Carole—Wait, you're not Carole.

I would hope not.

Why isn't...?

She's busy recording. She doesn't have time for you.


Or me, for that matter.

So I'm stuck with you instead.

I thought I was a nice alternative.


Don't give me that look. If you're that bothered, you can end the call.

And not get to listen? Heck, no!

Oh, by the way, you're forever indebted to me.

I'm indebted to no one.

You almost didn't get to listen today, but I groveled at Her Majesty's feet for you.

Gee, thanks. Did I ask, though?

That's pretty harsh coming from a person who's forever indebted to me.

You know what? You're right. I might just end the call.

You wouldn't dare.

...Yeah, I wouldn't.

Ha. much longer do we have to awkwardly banter?

Only a little while. The musicians are tuning right now. Here, have a look around.

Woah, the piano is there already?

Yeah, the store delivered it yesterday.

It's kinda massive.

We opened the garage door to get it inside, and we still had to disassemble half the room.




Oh, she's starting.

Perfect timing. I just ran out of nice things to say.

Ha, you're very funny.

Thank you!

Hush up.

Yes, ma'am.

Danny watches as Carolina silences the room. She sits at the piano, but she rests an acoustic guitar on her knee. The other musicians are scattered across the studio, propped on whatever stool or bench they could find. Sheet music covers every flat surface, and pencils are littered everywhere.

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