(2) I Want You to Be Happy Day

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March 3
(2) I Want You to Be Happy Day

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Vroom vroom

Carolina leaps off the porch as soon as she hears the car. She accidentally skips the last step and nearly falls on her face in the process. Catching hold of the railing, she steadies herself before clambering down the front walk in her bare feet. She peers down the street and spots a silver Chevy cruising along the curb. Behind the wheel, she spots a familiar mop of brown hair and a hand bedazzled with rings.

Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh, omigosh!

Calm down, Carole.

Hush up, Ginny. Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh, omigosh!

The car pulls into the driveway, and the driver turns off the car. The seatbelt snaps into place as he reaches over his body to open the car door. As soon as he has completely stepped out, Carole launches herself at him, consciously avoiding his left shoulder.

Hey, bestie.

Howdy, bestie.

It's been too long.

Hasn't it?

Aren't you tired from driving so long?

My arm, you mean? Are you kidding me? Look at this!

He proceeds to flex his right arm's biceps.

Yeah, we get it, you're strong.

She steps back to take a better look at him, to see if she could still recognize the childish friend of her youth. His blue eyes are still piercing and his hair is still ruffled, curls falling in front of his eyes. He still wears a scar on the left side of his face. He's taller now, and his shoulders have broadened. His left sleeve hangs empty.

You look better than you did when I last saw you.

Why, thank you. I try.

He, too, looks her over. She isn't as bony and awkwardly tall as she used to seem; she has rounded out a bit and only comes up to his chin. She still is abnormally pale, though. Her long, wavy blonde hair is pulled back into a half ponytail, and she sports a flowery jumper that compliments her blue-gray eyes.

You look so old!

She slaps his arm.

Let's go, Danny-boy. Virginia wants to reacquaint herself with you. I'll grab your bags.

Danke, Fraulein Carolina, but I can get it myself.

Nope. You're our guest. Consider this a vacation where your host spoils you.

I hate being spoiled!

Well, we're going to make you work, so you won't be too spoiled.

Of course.

Now go. You don't want to keep Ginny waiting.

You can say that again.

Danny grabs his overnight bag from the passenger seat before proceeding to where Virginia stands at the base of the porch stairs. The sisters could look almost identical if it weren't for the scowl that Virginia wears.

Hello, stranger.

Long time no see.

Miss me much?

Not really.

She turns around so that her back is facing her sister.

Thank you for coming, and thanks for the money. I don't think Carole could go to Juilliard without your help. She's literally spent the past three years dreaming about recording her music.

I'll do anything I can to help.

You've done enough, honestly.

I'm here to help, Ginny.

You helped by just driving back— Oh, hi, Carole!

Can I join your conversation?

Yeah, sure! We were just talking about, um...

Your studio!

Yes, yes, that!

Oh? I see. Well, don't just stand here. Let's go inside.

Virginia rolls her eyes and walks through the front door. Carolina turns to Danny.

You, my friend, are a terrible liar.

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There is so much typeset going on.  Ugh sometimes formatting these things makes me hate writing long chapters lol
Please let me know if you can follow the dialogue!  If you can't remember who's who, there's a key in the preview of this book ;)

Lots of love <3

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