Record Store Day

18 3 0

April 22
Record Store Day

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Danny hops out of his car and slams the door behind him. He glances up at the sky and frowns at the slate gray clouds covering the sun. He steps around the hood of the car and opens the passenger door. Carolina is sitting inside, looking very cross and a wee bit carsick. Part of the problem might be the bandana covering her eyes.

Are we there yet?

You sound like a bored toddler on a road trip.

No, I sound like a woozy teenager who's going to throw up all over your fancy car if we drive any farther.

Lucky for my car, you can get out now.

Oh, goody.

Holding onto her forearm, Danny guides her out of her out of her seat.

I just want you to know that we're parked at the very top of a parking garage. You can see everything from up here, including a really impressive church steeple. It's a miracle it hasn't fallen over yet...

It's nice to know what I'm missing out on.

Don't worry; you'll get to see it on the way back. Here, hold onto my arm. Ooh, watch your step. There's a big crack there.

In this manner, Danny leads her down the elevator and onto the brick sidewalk below. Despite the gloomy weather, Carolina can hear the bustling of people brushing past her and the muffled singing of a street musician a little ways away.

We've arrived!

Three months later...

If you want to complain, I can pack you back in my car and drive you the five hour to New York City.

Nah, I'm good.

Great. Are you ready?

I was born ready.

Drumroll, please.


Happy Record Store Day!

Danny whips off the bandana, and Carolina immediately shields her eyes from the sudden light. Her eyes gradually adjust as she pushes her hair out of her face, and then everything clicks into place. Her eyes latch onto the storefront: a charming brick building painted sage green and two picture windows cluttered with signs and merchandise. A brown sign, proudly displayed over the door, read, "Burlington Records".

Oh my word.

You like?

My people are calling.

I'll take that as a yes.

Without a second thought, Carolina pushes Danny away and runs into the store. Danny rolls his eyes before following close behind. The inside of the shop is small and slightly crowded but in an inviting, homey way. The walls are lined with shelves covered in boxes, and each box contains countless records. Right away, Carolina notices the boxes are alphabetized, and she immediately starts searching for specific albums.

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