Lover's Day

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April 23
Lover's Day

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Clomp clomp clomp

Cecilia runs down the steps, almost careening into Carolina who stands at the bottom of the staircase. Mrs. Kessler walks into the room at the same time, and she notices the girls putting on their jackets.

Where are you two off to?

We're going to get ice cream!

Of course, you haven't gone yet! How silly of me. We should've gone ages ago. Eat some for me, okay? If I eat any more dessert, I won't be able to fit in my clothes anymore.

Mommy can still fit in her clothes from college.

Wow, really? Even after all those kids?

Yeah, it's a stretch, but I can still make it work.

That's pretty impressive.

Are you sure you can manage Celia?

I'm not a baby.

We'll be fine.

Alright, well, you girls have fun.

We most definitely will.

In the garage, Carolina tucks Cecilia into her car seat and sits herself behind the wheel of the family car. Under Cecilia's directions (and a little help from Google Maps), they pull up to a khaki-colored building a few minutes later. The Scoop, the Kesslers assured her, had the best ice cream flavors in town.

There are only so many ways you can make ice cream taste good.

Everything tastes good with sprinkles.

Do sprinkles even have a taste?

To me, they do.

As soon as Carolina unfastens the contraption called Cecilia's car seat, the little girl bounds out of the car and runs to the ice cream cone statue standing by the shop's door.

See? Even The Scoop agrees!

She pretends to lick the painted-on sprinkles off the massive cone before pushing open the door and running inside. Just like Burlington Records, the inside of the shop is small, but this time it's almost claustrophobic. Carolina suddenly understands why all the people were eating their ice cream outside. Cecilia interrupts her observations by placing her order. To see over the counter, Cecilia has to stand on a little stool, but even then, the cashier can only see her big blue eyes.

I'll have the kids' cookie dough in a sugar cone with lots of rainbow sprinkles, please.

I'll have a small apple streusel in a waffle cone. One sec, let me get my wallet.

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